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Kicking, I mean physically not just a phrase

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09-17-2003, 2:17 PM
The Saber staff. Good you can kick with this. Duel sabers you can not kick BUT the reborn can? Any thoughts on this.

I have study the Bo ( a six foot staff) in martial arts and there is times kicking just flows in with the move, but saying that if you time it right so does a headbutt!!

My point is kicking should be used in all three sabers, sometimes you would use a kick not to knock someone down but to push them away, this would be good for strong stance as some of the movements stretch quite far.

Apart from this I have played the demo to death it is excellent.
09-17-2003, 2:30 PM
There is a command to allow kicking (flip kicks like JK2) with all saber types and stances.

See the "Not Enough Customization..." thread in this forum for details.
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