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New Jedi Academy Website (just use the other thread, thanks)

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08-23-2003, 11:13 AM
I see that Lucasarts have updated the official JA site.

Jedi Academy (

Looks good. Unfortunately there's not too much (that I can see anyway) thats new, but I thought I'd share the wealth. Enjoy.


EDIT: Jesus, i'm sorry guy's, but theres a ton more stuff there, I posted the link whilst looking at the site, so I didn't read at the time that..........
A demo will be available for the PC platform in the coming weeks. Check back often!

Oh my fu........

08-23-2003, 11:33 AM
Um there's been at least six of these threads.
08-23-2003, 11:51 AM
I forsee a lock...
08-23-2003, 12:09 PM
yeah the site rocks but we all know that now. so i see a lock on this post and i hope its the end of the new site posts.
08-23-2003, 1:33 PM
Originally posted by JEDI OUTCAST
yeah the site rocks but we all know that now. so i see a lock on this post and i hope its the end of the new site posts.
Hey - did you hear the official site got updated? Someone should make a new thread about that !


08-23-2003, 1:40 PM
Hmmmm. You are all as subtle as a kick in the nuts. Ever consider the fact that, ohhhhhh I don't know, I never knew of these threads.

Kiss my ass.

08-23-2003, 1:41 PM
:lol: :rofl:
08-23-2003, 1:50 PM
Originally posted by BawBag™
Hmmmm. You are all as subtle as a kick in the nuts. Ever consider the fact that, ohhhhhh I don't know, I never knew of these threads.

Kiss my ass.

:p Thanks for the smiley - otherwise we'd think you taken us too seriously and gotten upset. Generally you are reasonably expected to check the first page (at least) before posting a new topic. But with all the news these last few days ... whew! ... it's rather hard to keep pace ...

08-23-2003, 2:28 PM
I kinda thought a statement as blunt as "Kiss my ass" was a bit much. But it's hard to find the line between sarcastic joking and nastiness. ;)

BTW, did I mention that the JA official site has been updated?
08-23-2003, 2:51 PM
Originally posted by BawBag™
I kinda thought a statement as blunt as "Kiss my ass" was a bit much. But it's hard to find the line between sarcastic joking and nastiness. ;)

BTW, did I mention that the JA official site has been updated? You're kidding me?!?!?! Someone should post a thread ...

... it could just go on like this forever ...

Check out some of the other threads, there is a fair amount of insight and analysis based on the new site info.

:D Mike
08-23-2003, 3:59 PM
Glad nobody's mad, and yes, it is hard to juggle all the news and people are posting at different times.

But, suffice to say, it's time to move along... move along... join the other discussion. ; )
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