Can someone help me!
Iґm missing the Taklitґs part to complet level 15 -Infernal Machine.
I was in af fight with Turner earlier in the game. He had the Taklitґs part and somtimes he was invisible. I didnt get the machine part from him then.
Now I got Marduk and The Crystal with Sophia in place, but I cant finish the level without the Taklitґs part.
Please help me out!
[This message has been edited by ZaraZebra (edited August 26, 2000).]
you need to kill turner by shooting at him whenever he is visible...to get the part from him and you need the part to complete this level... i am not sure if you are able to go back at this stage and get him... good luck
Thanks Angel!
I had to restart level 15, to find Tuner again. I finished the game today.
http://www.indyjones.net/forums/smile.gif) ZaraZebra