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I got an idea.. (Counter Strike for JA!)

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08-13-2003, 3:31 AM
For a mod or TC or whatever. Kinda like a real life mod with real weapons and stuff. Reminiscent of like Half Life: Counter Strike. That was an awesome mod and wouldn't it be cool if someone could recreate that for JA? Maybe like replace the lightsaber with a sword or something.
 FK | unnamed
08-13-2003, 6:26 AM
Some guy did a really bad ass gladiator TC recently for jk2 and although it was for SP I would love to see more stuff like that when JA comes out.
08-13-2003, 6:32 AM
The colosseum mod thing? Yea I'd like more high grade stuff like that for JA too.
08-13-2003, 10:56 AM
I've got a few ideas for Mods...but one is so complex and extensive it would become a full length game. Sort of a steam-punk gothic era with swords, crossbows, bio-chemical weapons, and maybe muskets/canons. The key protagonist would be a spy working for the King of a country, who goes on a series of missions to uncover mysterious activities that could threaten the realm. Think a combination of Thief and Bond, with 1st person stealth and exploration, and 3rd person melee combat. The JA engine would probably be good to build it on...but the stealth mechanics would have to be built from scratch.

I'm currently pulling all the pieces together, and it's going to end up as a novel if nothing else. I'd sure like to see it made into a playable game, though. Heh. ;) The problem is I wouldn't even know where to start with programming or modelling...

As I've said before, I'm surprised there have not been more TC type mods for a fantasy setting with swords and the like. Both the JO and JA engines wouldn't need a great deal of tweaking for that kind of combat.
08-13-2003, 8:39 PM
Just so you know Jake plans to release 2.0 in the Jedi Academy game, not jedi outcast.

So you can probably expect to see it and more for Jedi Academy.
If ya havn't played it, do so:
08-14-2003, 3:36 AM
While it probably won't be the same as Counter Striker per se, Siege sounds like it will be the Star Wars equivalent (perhaps more like UT's assault, of which I am more familiar).

Yeah, I hope a lot of great mods get made for this game. I'm a little sad that Jedi Master won't be included, but that could be coded back in as well (maybe even KFY from MotS!).

I too have some mod ideas, but I'm keeping them to myself for now (seen too many mod teams get formed and then break up with nothing to show for it, embarrassed by their own over-hyped-ness...). ; p
08-14-2003, 5:09 AM
Yeah. I'd see a mod team working on some mod that I've always wanted and the progress the make is only like 10% before they give up.
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