I hate getting stuck permanently by a jump I can't do, but I cannot for the life of me get through that slide-jump routine in the electric room. I've tried to the point where i'm ready to ditch the game. Exactly at what point in the slide do you jump? I either land too short, or I hit the wall and fall down - never grab and pull up. I gave up on some of the goodies in Tomb 3 because of jumps I couldn't do, but this is ridiculous! Any hints here? Exact keystroke combos, maybe? A save game? Anything?
the half point of the slide i think
I know how you feel about the jumps. Be patient. Try jumping a little earlier each time once you know the point where you jump too far. It's there somwhere. I also keep the up arrow pressed but I'm not sure if it helps.
I don't see the problem; ik tried that slide-jump a few times and every time I ended up hanging on the ledge. So...when you ar before the slope, run, slide down and jъst before the slope ends you jump. It has to work.