or sea,
i like the troops best, stormstoopers have to be the coolist, other then jedi and sith, obviously
oo but then again the at-ats are so hard and they can carry storm troopers,
arrr my head hurts
I think aircraft will be my favourite...
Hmmm, thats a hard decision.....i guess ALL the units will be my favorite.... Simply because i'm just a die hard SW fan.:D :trooper:
I'd have to say all. But troops are porbably my fav but never neglect your mechs because they can do things that troops can't.
yeah like destroy things quiker Mechs all the way
MECHS all the way!:bdroid2: :bdroid2: :bdroid2:
troops......masses and masses of troops
Infantry Infantry Infantry......did I mention Infantry?
um, battle droids are condered troops Warlord