Ok, ive done everything..
I have that broken blade, I got the datapad crap, i came up and solved the case with the keeper of the laws, etc... but everytime I go up to the chieftans room thing, the guard says ive been given a task and should complete it.... WHAT DO I DO?
did you talk to the guy that first tells you u cannot pass to the shadowlands without permission? you need to talk to him and he will take you there. If you got around him somehow you need to go back
where is he? I talked to every wookie on teh walkway thing.. nothing happened
when you come up from the elevator, there should be a wookie that stops you and tells you he will take you in through the back way, and then you are in.
err.. i dont remember that.. ill go back and check it out
Originally posted by corpsegrinder85
Ok, ive done everything..
I have that broken blade, I got the datapad crap, i came up and solved the case with the keeper of the laws, etc... but everytime I go up to the chieftans room thing, the guard says ive been given a task and should complete it.... WHAT DO I DO?
It sounds like your levaing something out.
Chuundar sent you to deal with the wild wookie. Did you meet the wookie?
Not the first one that's getting attacked but Zaalbar and Chundar's father. You have to meet and talk to him.
I dont think so.. Where is he at?
Ive met with the wookie that is fighting off the Mandaloreans...
From where you first meet that first wookie make a left and keep an eye on your map. You should see a mark that says Freyyk(or however it's spelled).
I missed him the first time too.
this is what i did it is the lightside. Go to freyyrr with the bacca blade then he is impressed with you and he goes to confront chunndar, then head out of the shadowlands and the guy who lowered you in to the shadowlands i think growwrrrr attacks you for letting the madclaw you were supposed to kill go up to the town he then attacks you grrowwrrr is a pretty tough cookie but he is also full of tasty exp. then head up to the city on your own and go to the chunndars hutt. the confrontation begins. if you dark side tell zalbaar to side with chunndar if light side side with freyyrr i myself said cant you rule together and chunndar refuses and attacks you along with the czeka in the hutt, i got a light point that way to. but if you havent gotten the head of the droid for the mission with the eli guy (hes the guy indebt to the merchant.) and freed eli by giving it to him so he can find out that his freinds were killed by the merchant guy he is in debted to get the head it is in the upper shadowlands i think below jolee's house. give the droid head to eli before going into cheiftan because i didnt and after i beat chunndarr and freyyrr took over the wookies fight the czerka corp of the planet and the merchant and eli are gone so i couldnt finish that side quest. but i already had ultimate light screen.
yup, i did it yesterday
now i just arrived on korriban after discovering who i am just before kicking malaks ass
i so could have killed him, he sucked ass.. his health was at near zero and mine was full and he laughed at me
He's not as easy the next time you face him.
i told Zalbaar to join Frayeer and then they attcked got lightside points then i used the force power Insainty to take down there healt i attacked chunndra while my party members attacked the other people it was a piece of cake