How to make water:
1. Before you get started, open up common.shader (in base/shaders/) and add this code to the end of it:textures/common/caulk_water
surfaceparm water
surfaceparm nodraw
surfaceparm nonsolid
surfaceparm trans
}Now download this ( image and save it as "caulk_water.jpg" in the textures/common/ directory.
2. Now you can fire up Radiant.
3. Create a brush that is the size and shape of the water you want.
4. Using shift+click, select the entire brush.
5. Load the "common" texture set by choosing "common" from the textures menu.
6. With the brush still selected, apply the caulk_water shader to the entire brush.
7. Hit escape to deselect everything.
8. Using ctrl+shift+click, select the top surface of the brush. Only select the surface, not the entire brush.
9. Texture this surface with the bespin/water2 shader.
10. Using ctrl+shift+click, select the bottom surface of the brush. Only select the surface, not the entire brush.
11. Texture this surface with the bespin/water2 shader.
12. Compile, and that's all there is to it.