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well, the official ja site!!!

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 taekwondo joe
08-03-2003, 4:00 PM
the site of ja, the official lec site after alllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll this ton of news has pored in and the release date and all of this, after two weeks the site still hasnt updated. the site if you notice is not the final version, maybe they will update it with a new site, much liek they did with outcast, weapon info nri reports and so on, and a good flash like site, not this plain one we have now. its sooo close to release and look at it, plain and hardly any new any thing on it, well, maybe the reason it hasnt updated is becuase, a new grander site is under construction? maybe just maybe, we will get a site real soon!!!!!!! whast your thoughts
08-03-2003, 4:47 PM
Well I can assure you that the site will change, at least I hope it will. :( If you check the Rebel Strike website out, it is the same exact layout as the Academy one so hopefully it will be changed. Also, notice at the top of the page it says "In Development" so I'm hoping as we get closer to release they'll change it to something like the KOTOR one or the JO one.
08-03-2003, 4:48 PM
they will updated very soon i think.

us 16th september. uk 19th september.
08-03-2003, 7:14 PM
Yeah well they've added another bunch of screens some time ago... It is definately updated, but I'd like some more info, yes :) Maybe a little more on the story, release date etc :) AND the cool goldguy animation!!
 taekwondo joe
08-04-2003, 2:30 PM
they simply need to give us a fineshed site, like jo's
08-04-2003, 3:06 PM
Originally posted by HertogJan
AND the cool goldguy animation!! One of the screenshots makes it look like they'll have the E3 Gold Guy in the opening credits ... maybe I'll have to watch them now rather than just escaping to the menu ;)

I am looking forward to LA putting updates on their JA page. Anything would be nice ... but there is only one thing I really care about - final confirmation of mid-September release :)!!!!
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