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Jedi vs Merc

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08-03-2003, 5:28 AM
Will the Jedi vs Merc system be improved upon at all in JA? I'm partial to having a variety of classes to fight with and against instead of always having a map full of other jedi.
08-03-2003, 7:26 AM
What's this Merc vs Jedi everyone's talking about? It sure wasn't an official gamemode in JO :confused: And JA will have Siege, a class based MP mode which looks a bit like assault :D I think it'll be great!
08-03-2003, 1:05 PM
It was/is an unofficial "hidden" game mode in 1.03 or 1.04 (don't remember which) to add a depth to Team FFA and CTF. You could bascally be either Jedi with force powers of your choice and saber or merc with only lvl1 force jump and all weapons (except saber).
 Cosmos Jack
08-03-2003, 7:26 PM
There was "ForceMod II - The Mercs Strike Back" This is a interesting mod for JKO. It lets you play different classes you can opt to be a Mandalorian and have a jet pack, flame thrower, and 2 blaster pistols like Jango Fett. Some of the animation was a bit buggy but, a great mod.

However that was for JKO. like mentioned before me "Siege" is a class base mod. From what I have read sounds similar to "Wolfenstein - Enemy Territory" a free DLable game. It's pretty cool you have like 5 classes they all have different abilities and are all needed to win the game. If "Siege" is like that is should be pretty cool.

Maybe they will have a Mandalorian class lol. :rolleyes:
08-06-2003, 5:47 AM
Jedi Vs. Merc isn't just that.. check my site for the full details on it:
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