OK, I can officially announce that the website is now only being held up by one singular thing: me.
The domain is OK, I have the space - I don't have all the info off the Hard Drive yet - but that doesn't matter any more. Only thing I still need off that is the team forum database (yet more server admin cock-ups).
Anyway, the only thing(s) left to do is for me to finish doing all the HTML and scripts for the site. That is where you'll have to wait even longer. My time is very limited at the moment - I have two days off a week, and have many "real life" issues to deal with during that time anyway. I'll work on it as and when I can, but don't expect anything for at least a week. With any luck I can get a lot done this Sunday - unless my computer upgrade arrives tommorow - that will absorb my weekend instead :p
So just stick with it guys - at least now you can shout at me 'cause there is no website (please don't, btw, not a good idea).
So am I doing the website stuff for nothing then???
wrong MOD 1zzy - this is the Dark Forces MOD, not the DF2E website.
Izzy its cool both mod have moved into the same private forums to work together so dont worry
I tell you I read through the boards and then I get so confused as to which is what.... anyways - for the DF2E site I have some new stuff up. I have the news module up so that we can start filling it in. The login module is being worked right this second and should be done shortly. I am also working on the picture module so that we can get some screen shots up and in. Just an FYI.