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Big News

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09-27-2001, 9:32 PM
Check out this link

Lucas Arts Talks (,10870,2815315,00.html)

Looks like the game is gonna be early. This gives even more credibility to the post about the demo tomorrow.
 Lord JayVizIon
09-27-2001, 10:13 PM
yeah, that is big news! i wonder if that piece of info you got there will lead to a domino effect in regards to the demo coming out tomorrow, pc gamer's coverage next month, etc....

i forgot, this is an announcement, so.....

 Admiral Thrawn
09-27-2001, 11:09 PM
Poor guy :D
09-27-2001, 11:14 PM
first the this......its like christmass is coming early! :D
11-23-2009, 11:37 AM
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