Wats your wallpaper ?
No specific reason for this question, I just have a lot of free time. . .:(
I'll post mine as soon as some1 tells me how !:mad:
Mine is the battle of Helm's Deep...
If I knew how to post it, I would.
Mine's the stock wallpaper from DS9: The Fallen (available here) (
Every now and then I rotate it for the Pic of the Day from Bridge Commander (
http://www.bcfiles.com/), Armada 2 (
http://www.armada2files.com/), or Starfleet Command 3 (
I also have a bunch of Transformers pics that haven't gone up in a while. . .
If you want more treckie wallpapers. . .
its in german, but its pretty easy to figure out where the wallpapers are. . .;)
My wallpaper since March has been
http://pedrothehutt.esmartweb.com/desktopnyu.jpg) (copy and paste link please )