What kind of music will be in GB? The Funky techno from Force Commander? Or the original John Williams?
I *think* they said it will be the regular SW score - not technofied or otherwise.
I remember in something I read they said something about using the original score, but making it a little more technoed, and also using new stuff.
Yep, I remender 100% in a chat transpcirt.
Classic STAR WARS music by John Williams.
can someone confirm this?
in starcraft, each civ had its own eerie background music. will the same be so for the 6 swgb civs?
In AOEII music was the same for all civs.
( The SC was pretty wierd.)
Originally posted by Link Antilles
In AOEII music was the same for all civs.
( The SC was pretty wierd.)
yeah, that's what sucked about aok ( i love aok, but the music, ewwww!). sc wasn't weird, and it went along with how diff each civ was. i hope they incorporate this into swgb...
I hope they have emp song and the imp march
Galactic Battlegrounds will feature the best of SW's battlemusic compiled to 30 minutes ...
Yes I think you will hear the Imperial March :)