Wouldn't it be cool if there was a tie clan when the game comes out. for example, the leader could be Tie Guy.
Wow, i'm honored ;) but you couldn't have a clan with just fighters. Besides, i'm not into the whole clan thing. You can be the leader.
Although..... making a mission that only enabled you to get fighters would be pretty fun, maybe i will make one in the editor...
Why does no one suck up to me like that? Why is it always Tie! :(
well if u do mak a clan like that it is Empire would u be a ally for us
Wow Tie Guy talked to me!;) :D and kvan if u changed your name to a tie something then i would suck up!hahaha. And yes it would be allied with u darktrooper
'Nuff said.
look I'm more powerful then sherick...wuahahahhahahahahahha
Originally posted by Kvan
Why does no one suck up to me like that? Why is it always Tie! :(
1.Who has the most posts on this forum?...Tie Guy...up on me by over 1000:eek:
2.Some people are desparate to serve anyone, including Tie Guy:D
im only kidding dathfergie
Originally posted by TieDefender75
im only kidding dathfergie
I was only kidding too because I knew that you were kidding, but I thought that you knew that I knew you were kidding...
well you said.....
Originally posted by darthfergie
....I was only kidding too because I knew that you were kidding, but I thought that you knew that I knew you were kidding....
...... :D