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Brief Q/A at game gossip with a juicy tidbit

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07-12-2003, 7:39 PM
Small interview at game gossip ( , but with some very interesting news:

GG: How many hours of gameplay will there be in total?

KH: Since everyone's skill level and playing style are different and we can't really answer that. The game is several levels longer than JKII, and there are multiple endings, so playtime is even greater than in the last game.

Now that's something to look forward too. I didn't realize that there would be multiple endings.
07-12-2003, 10:06 PM
Well, with a DarkSide/LightSide choice, how could their NOT be multiple endings?

No offense intended. ; )
07-12-2003, 10:17 PM
Kurgan aint fibbing ;)
It's in the faq aswell - located here (

07-13-2003, 12:55 AM
Ah well, I guess I was thinking multiple meant more than two. Perhaps it's just marketing jabber - but it would be interesting if there were more than just two endings as well as truly a branching story.
07-13-2003, 2:38 AM
a reeeaaal long game longer than JO where you get to create your own character and progress from a padawan to a jedi master or sithlord..... so exciting :ewok: :cool: :ewok:
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