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New saber animations

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07-11-2003, 3:45 PM
I'm not sure if this was a tread before, but anyways, I was wondering if they could make more than one animation when you turn on/off your saber. Because it looked stupid when all the reborns, Kyle, Desann, luke, etc. all had the same twirly hand lightsaber animation. I think what would be best is if they made a selection when you create your character to be able to choose from different animations. I just thought it was dumb because all jedi aren't the same. Give me your thoughts, and some of your ideas how the y should be animated. :slsaber:
07-11-2003, 4:43 PM
I confess this was one of my pet peeves. I'd like to be able to turn it on without the flip on occassion. By the way when you did a force jump w/o the flip you could turn it on and off w/o the wrist spin. I wish there was a way to turn it on and off that would just match whatever animation was going on at the time.
07-11-2003, 8:41 PM
Funny thing was that in MP you could only turn it on normally without the twirl. So really, they had two animations right there. It might have been better to have both in SP and MP.
07-11-2003, 9:20 PM
Being able to put your saber on your belt would be neat. Drawing your saber from your belt like Yoda did in the beginning of his Dooku duel would be pretty cool, too in my opinion.
 Anakin Skywalkr
07-12-2003, 1:10 AM
I agree with the above post. I always hoped that someone would make a mod for Jedi Outcast to be able to holster the lightsaber on the left hip, while still being able to see it, like in the movies. That is a critical element to which the Jedi Academy Team will address
 Lil Killa
07-12-2003, 4:50 AM
Originally posted by Anakin Skywalkr
That is a critical element to which the Jedi Academy Team will address

I would like to know how u know that.......

You can't be working for them cause acording to your b-day your a few months younger than me......
 Anakin Skywalkr
07-31-2003, 9:42 PM
Sorry.....I stand corrected. Typo, it was late at night. It should of said: "That is a critical element to which I WOULD LIKE the Jedi Academy team to address.

P.s. U should be a detective with your research skills Sir Sherlock Homes
08-01-2003, 9:46 AM
Originally posted by Anakin Skywalkr
Sorry.....I stand corrected. Typo, it was late at night. It should of said: "That is a critical element to which I WOULD LIKE the Jedi Academy team to address.

P.s. U should be a detective with your research skills Sir Sherlock Homes Funny thing is ... I'm scrolling posts very slowly due to all of the 'helpful' beta warez people posting info.

Even if it is different just for different species that would be cool - we have seen that the dual saber ignite looks different from the trailers.

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