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Idea for an MP Mod

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07-06-2003, 11:31 PM
It's something I've been toying with starting. I have a few notes jotted down. It's really similar to Siege so it wouldn't be too difficult to do in JA. It would be a 'Tales of the Jedi' mod. But instead of a Team Fortress-style class-system, it would be RTS-style much like Cnc: Renegade. You start one of three base characters (Republic Soldier, Jedi, Onderonian Warrior for Jedi side; Mandalorian, Sith, Massassi Warrior for the Sith). Each class would have special classes and upgrades (weapons, armor, force powers, vehicles, etc...) that as you and your team did well, you got points to purchase. You would even be able to get unique characters (like Exar Kun, Ulic Qel-Droma and Nomi Sunrider) if you got far enough up the tree. Of course, only one person could be each character... I'm working on a tech-tree (no numbers, just a structure) if any are interested PM, IM or E-mail me. But I would like your replies on this idea...

P.S. Even with the inclusion of Mandalorians, Republic Soldiers and other non-Force Users. I want Jedis to be the most common because of how prevalent they were at that time.
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