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VDM sound

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07-05-2003, 7:09 PM
I was trying to play monkey island with vdm sound, and the sound came out of my computer? is there a way to switch it to your speakers? If i try playing the game with scummvm it doesnt show the backgrounds.
07-05-2003, 8:48 PM
The sound from SoMI comes straight from the CD, so that generally has to be in the CD-drive when you play the game.

Also, no backgrounds with ScummVM? Have you tried grabbing the latest build ( Which version of the game are you running, exactly?

I'm sure Dr. Benny will be along later with a better diagnosis, but until then, try the above. VDMSound sucks.
07-06-2003, 12:48 AM
Yea it works now, thank you.
07-06-2003, 4:16 PM
Hang on, how do you play without the CD? Or at least with internal speakers? Only the love scene on the peer is a hell of a lot better with internal speakers I always thought (that's when I had the game on floppy).
07-06-2003, 6:18 PM
I burned it onto a cd and it worked
07-09-2003, 5:01 PM
Originally posted by Neil Joshi
Hang on, how do you play without the CD? Or at least with internal speakers? Only the love scene on the peer is a hell of a lot better with internal speakers I always thought (that's when I had the game on floppy). The truly masochistic can start the game from the DOS prompt with the 'i' argument, eg.

> monkey i

...for internal speaker sound. Use 'h' as an argument for a list of the other options you can set.
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