Why can i only post a message 1 time a day!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!:mad: :swear:
i didn't get that either. please post messages with sense....
Hold up, he could really be having some sort of problem.
When you get a chance to post again, TieDefender, please gise us some more info as to why you think you have this problem.
Hmmm... you posted two messages on the 23rd. What have you done to test and see if you can only post once a day? There's a time limit as to how fast you can post, ya know.
yes that's rite and thank you for reminding me rhett! a time limit of what is it, 30 or 60 seconds, before you can post any message, either on the forums or in private messages.....
Yes, it's flood control. Hey you mods should know better than to leave it here!
It was 2:30am, I was drunk........with fatigue....yeah....that's it....
Thanks i really needed to know that!:)