A Hutt Caravel based off the schematic in The Essential Guide to Vehicles and Vessels.
The original model was by Sine_Nomen, and I exported it into 3ds max, and repaired optimized it. I also added the metal frame under the sail.
Made for Sine's Nar Shaddaa (
http://forums.massassi.net/html/Forum5/HTML/009981.html) level, and possibly my project. It may be a downloadable prefab if Sine wishes to distribute it.
And lastly, the missing surfaces under the sail will be fixed in a cull disabling shader, which will also make the sail move in the wind.
that looks cool, maybe that could be used to replace the ones in the sarlaac pit map (i think that map was by livingdeadjedi but im not positive)
nevermind, i think i got a little confused there for a sec
Nah, that was a skiff, it's quite different.
yeah i was kind of confused, at first they looked similar but after i really looked at them i noticed the difference
what is it?:eyeraise:
a Hutt mobile?
whatever it is, it looks cool and i cant wait to see it ingame
Originally posted by RaSiN_HeCk
what is it?:eyeraise:
a Hutt mobile?
To put it like that, yeah.
Anyway it looks good, I won't say its pinpoint ultra precise accuracy, but never the less an excellent interpratation of it.
Of course not, it isn't supposed to be the same thing.
do you have any links to pictures of the actual thing so we have something to compare your model to
Not really. The Dark Empire comics and the EGV are the only shots I've found of it.
Looks good, nice to see a prefab for a change :cool:
It's in the Essential Guide to Vehicles...no pictures online that I can find. But it looks good, very much like the book.