there is a way to split .SOU to MANY wavs? and extract automatically MID from SCUMM files?
I've got Scumm Revisited.
I had no problem decompressing all of CMI's music files into WAVs, but i'm having some trouble finding music files on MI1, MI2, Sam and Max, DOTT, and Indiana Jones + The Fate of Atlantis.
Where are they located when you use SR?
Are you aware that their music is not based on wave files, but on midi? You can find those midi files in the files with ".001" extension. There open LFLF, SOUN, SOU. In DOTT there are always three version, ROL (Roland), ADL (Adlib) and GMD (General Midi). You may have trouble playing them from SCUMM Revisited, but saving and then playing should work. There may be another problem:
iMuse. That means that there will be several layers of music on top of each other which you would have to rearrange.
yeah, i knew they're midi based, and i eventually found the music files, but they sound kind of strange even when i save them to a new folder. Ah well, does anyone know when Imuse Island is reopening (if they are at all?)
oh yeah, and what format is best for listening to the music? (like GM, Adlib, Roland etc.)
Just as a hint, you shouldn't bother extracting all those music files... HighLand Productions already did perfect arrangements of all those files, you should get their versions.
Since the Mix-n-Mojo network isn't working completely (yet) you can get those files at the German DOTT-fansite "Die Tentakelvilla" ("The Tentacle Mansion"):
Click HERE (
That link already points you to the download-page, so you'll understand where to click, though it's German... I am SURE.