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The Clone Wars- Dawn of the Empire

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 Darth NeoVenom
06-26-2003, 9:34 AM
(Only the skillful. :D I'm going to name the space station Tidrofine )


As the Starship Exclus docks on the Tidrofine's hanger, NeoVenom senses a disturbance in the Force. Obi-Wan then looks at NeoVenom and says, "You sense that too?" Obi-Wan then uses the ship's intercom and tries to see if he gets a reponse. "Come in Tidrofine, this is the Starship Exclus. Do you copy?" Obi-Wan then waits for a response. Obi-Wan then speaks to everyone. "Be cautious. I sense a disturbance in the force." "Yes Master Kenobi." Zan-Cool says. Zan-Cool then faces Riebe and Crocker, "I too sense a disturbance in the Force."


(I'm going to tell my brother, Raven Darkheart, to post.)
06-26-2003, 11:32 AM
Crocker silently drew his lightsaber, and got ready to fight.
06-27-2003, 12:18 AM
The clones didn't look surprised. Three grabbed weapons, one got a support repeater. None of it really mattered. Lipianus simply waved his hand, sending the 4 clones into the wall. They all bore red crew markings, more skilled at manning the guns than engaging the Sith. Lipianus jumped forth, saber ignited, chopping the two who had stood up in half. Five seconds later, he left, fully composed and heading for the Exclus.
 Darth NeoVenom
06-27-2003, 11:01 AM
Obi-Wan says to Crocker, "Not yet Crocker. When the time comes."

Obi-Wan and Zan-Cool exit the Starship Exclus, and step on to the Tidrofine's hanger. Four clonetroopers approach and greet the Jedi's arrival. The captain steps forward and says to Obi-Wan and Zan-Cool, "I see you're in need of repairs. I'll call for maintenance." Obi-Wan and Zan-Cool could sense the disturbance growing stronger and stronger. Obi-Wan speaks to the captain, "I think sometime is wrong. Notify everyone to be alert. There may be trouble."
06-27-2003, 1:08 PM
When the elevator arrived, the doors opened, revealing the Sith apprentice. He walked three feet out before jumping into the air to do a flip and ignite his lightsaber, landing three feet infront of Zan-Cool and Obi Wan. Incidentally, this was the position of the three clones. The lead he landed on and brought his lightsaber down for the kill, and the others met with his lightsaber on the way down. Ready to engage, he brought his saber back around and got ready to fight.
 Darth NeoVenom
06-27-2003, 1:30 PM
Both Zan-Cool and Obi-Wan ignite their lightsabers. Obi-Wan then speaks out to Darth Lipianus, "You can talk on a Jedi Master and a Jedi Knight. You can't win." They then position their lightsabers in a ready stance. Zan-Cool side steps left watching carefully at Darth Lipianus, while Obi-Wan side steps right. They flank Darth Lipianus.
06-27-2003, 3:44 PM
Crocker ignited the saber already in his hand and swung at Lipianus.
06-27-2003, 5:24 PM
Lipianus quickly counters Crocker, pushing his saber away and kicking him in the gut, sending him sprawling and open to attack. Instead of attacking, he jumps back three feet and puts his saber out, daring Obi Wan and Zan-Cool to step forth.
 Darth NeoVenom
06-27-2003, 6:34 PM
Obi-Wan says to Crocker, "Concentrate Crocker. Don't him get the best of you." Zan-Cool then uses force speed and flips over Darth Lipianus and swings down as he's flipping trying to hit Darth Lipianus. Obi-Wan runs forward and swings his lightsaber at a downward angle.
06-27-2003, 7:29 PM
Lipianus quickly counters by pushing Zan-Cool towards the ship and jumps up, blocking Obi Wan's saber.
 Darth NeoVenom
06-27-2003, 9:29 PM
Zan-Cool flips backwards to counter the push and tries to force push Darth Lipianus. Obi-Wan quickly swings downward than upward. Zan-Cool force jumps and flips forward meeting up with Obi-Wan. He then swings downward towards Darth Lipianus.
06-27-2003, 9:55 PM
Lipianus moves forth, blocking Obi Wan's thrusts and, seeing Zan-Cool get closer, dip his saber down to graze Obi Wan's leg. The saber singed the flesh, causing Obi Wan to yelp in pain. Zan-Cool thrusted downwards as Lipianus blocked and countered with a swift kick to the face.
 Darth NeoVenom
06-27-2003, 10:02 PM
Zan-Cool quickly counters the kick to the face by flipping backwards. As he flips backwards, he tries to kick Darth Lipianus' chin with both his feet.

Obi-Wan ducks and tries to return the favor to Darth Lipianus. He slightly swings the edge of the lightsaber towards one of Darth Lipianus' leg.
06-27-2003, 10:43 PM
Lipianus recieves the kick from Zan-Cool in the face, sending him sprawling backwards. Lipianus quickly blocks the slash from Obi Wan and trys to knock him off of his feet by sweeping his legs. Quickly jumping up, Lipianus backs off, running towards the elevator and safety. Just as a parting gift, he drops some of the pipes from above onto the Exclus.
06-28-2003, 1:37 AM
"Who was that guy?" Crocker asks while standing up.
06-28-2003, 2:53 AM
Moving towards the Tidrofine's control center, Lipianus set several parting gifts for the Jedi, tripwire mines. Walking into the C&C center, he walked forth, easily dipatching 5 clones and three officers. As he set three high yield bombs, he thought about how Master Dooku would be pleased with him. The death of the Jedi was at hand, and he would play a pivotal role.
 Darth Rythe
06-28-2003, 8:48 AM
I walk in kill 3 jedi and walk out again!
06-28-2003, 11:45 AM
Riebe suddenly walked up to the others. There were traces of grease and dirt on her clothing and she took note of a few scrapes on the others.

"The disturbance?" she asks, questioning if they had run into the disturbance they had felt.
06-28-2003, 12:19 PM
Stepping towards the docking bay, Lipianus walked by the two dead bodies he had left before. Hefting the detonator in his hand, he imagined some officer looking at the bomb as it went off. Hitting the button, he heard a loud crash and shake as he got into his fighter. Well, that solved one problem.
 Raven Darkheart
06-28-2003, 10:04 PM
((sorry again for lack of gets me pretty exhausted and i arrive home late))

((Darth Rythe please do not call shots or anything without asking or at least trying to rp it out))

((as for wondering what to do...just rp it out and remeber Roon is your destination but you also have to deal with sith and droids.))

As Tidus enters the building he can see that the building looks far more advance in technology then what it may appear outside. It appears tobe often busy but now it seems empty. The two main doors further and appears to be the only doors. When open it leads into a Great Hall and standing there with what appears to be a dozen guards is Lord Sier, an elder Zabrak. Upon closer look the elderly man appears to Have a lightsaber at his side also. He looks upon Tidus andslightly grins and nods. "I've been expecting you...or at least my fellows from the Council. It seems you been asking around me. You should know that doing such is haphazard. You alerted me and now I see you here. The droid wasnot to brilliant i tell you that much. Ashame you had to destroy him. It gonna take quite a bit to rebuild him and thats is if his processor still functional. So who sent you to me? Sidious? Dooku? or you trying make a name for yourself. Oh please don't try anything you'll regret i have a dozen guards and they don't weild Vibroknifes. They have a nasty piece of equipment call the E1 Blaster model I believe. Anyway, yes I am also called Lord can call me Master Tora. I was once a honorable Jedi but i left the order, but i still am loyal unlike Dooku. I sure you have lots of question and want them answer..I answer as much as you want but try anything funny and you willbe shot dead!" Tora said calmyly with a grin. A Jedi who is also a Crime lord. He seems on meaning no ill but that can quickly change. "Well Tidus...time is money"
06-29-2003, 2:55 AM
In his fighter, heading to the spaceport on Roon, Lipianus reflected. If things had just turned out a little differently, he would have been a Jedi, fighting Dooku and Palpatine, not working with them. Even his earlier master, Jedi Master Plo Koon knew he had much anger but much potential. Plo Koon had then gone on to be a Jedi Council member, however still feeling the effects of failure. Well, there's not much you can do about it, right Mek?

BTW my character's real name is Mek Shalpoc
06-29-2003, 11:28 PM
Titus let some tension ease, "I'm not here for chatter, but I'm sure your a very hospitable man. I'm here for buissness, and there's a very large bounty on your head. I'm a reasonable man but I've also a reputation to keep. And I never alter a deal. Here's our little problem, I made a deal with Dooku, and not one I intend to break. I'm taking you in one way or another, but dead or alive is your choice. I'll give you a wile to choose. But I don't like long waits." With that said Titus was finished, he turned to leave but paused halfway around. "Unless of course we can make a more profitable deal?"
06-30-2003, 11:51 AM
Setting down on the planet, two dockworkers came to inspect the ship. Seeing them out of the corner of his eye while walking down, he ignited his lightsaber, seeing them run and scream in terror. He landed to the side of them, slashing in a quick motion and beheading them both.
 Raven Darkheart
07-02-2003, 1:17 AM
((On Space Station))

Some engineers found a strangely shape object lodge and then it was a quick and sudden flash. From orbit of the station the hull of the space station went inwards as lights flash. Meanwhile inside alarms started blaring and over the intercom a cool calm voice said "Hull breach at sector 12-14 please evacuate the space station. Oxygen level dropping. Hull breach at sector 12-14 please evacuate the space station...." The message repeated over and over and people were running about like animals trapped in a burning building. The docking bays were the jedi's ship was untouched but time was limited. Sectors 12-14 contain the main power generators and the station was running on emergence power but that was not lasting long. they had at least 30 minutes to get to their ship.


(Meanwhile on Roon)

Inside the great Hall stood a bounty hunter and Crime Lord who is also Master Tora with a group of mens. Master Tora smiled at tidus and nodded. "A More profitable deal eh? Why sure i do believe we can come to that. how does twice what you being payed sounds? I sure you'll see that the grass is greener on my side. what you say Tidus? " He made a gesture as though it looked like a bow but his eyes was on tidus. He was afterall a Jedi master who was now a crime lord. He has seen many people try to kill him but this one seems more interesting.

((At the Docking bay))

As the workers fall dead. The others realise that this was not a safe place. They all ran in different directions screaming in some alien language. A few though eyes the sith and grab their tools. "Yous kill my friends..I'lls kills yous!" Five workers run toward the sith with murder burning in their eyes.
 Darth NeoVenom
07-02-2003, 1:27 AM
The spaceport's hanger shook.

Obi-Wan and Zan-Cool force push some of the pipes before they could hit the ship. They both let out a sign of relief. Zan-Cool looks at Riebe, "We were fighting a Sith." He then deactivates his lightsaber.

Obi-Wan deactivates his lightsaber aswell. He then replies to Crocker,"He was a Sith, Crocker." He than says to everyone, "We have to notify the Council about this Sith. Riebe, contact Coruscant and let the Jedi Council know that we encounter a Sith on the spacestaion Tidrofine."

Obi-Wan takes a deep breathe and speaks in a firm voice, "We have to continue on our mission. We don't have much time. Let us get out of here." Obi-Wan and Zan-Cool board the Starship Exclus.
07-02-2003, 1:55 AM
Lipianus pushes the five workers back easily using the force. Lifting his saber up, he prepares to fight the unskilled dockworkers.
07-02-2003, 5:34 AM
Titus turned back around to face Tora one again. "Twice my pay sounds prety nice, what do I need to do?"

Meanwhile one of the other bounty hunters, an orange haired catlike humanoid, has aproached the building by the rear, after finding out Tora's location. This hunter intends to sneak in via back door or roof if possible.
07-02-2003, 12:42 PM
((I'm having surgery today, so i'd appreciate it if someone controled my character))
07-03-2003, 3:58 AM
Woa MSpencer I think you need to slow down a bit, your traveling at a rate faster than any two other people combined. In the time I've said a sentance you've traveled through space, landed, and marched your ass over to Tora's hideout. Never mind how the **** you knew where it was.

I hate to sound mean or anything, I just think you need to pace yourself. Know what I'm say'n?
 Darth NeoVenom
07-03-2003, 4:51 PM
Crocker boards the Starship Exclus. Obi-Wan, Zan-Cool, and Crocker wait for Riebe to board the ship. Meanwhile, Obi-Wan speaks to Crocker, "Let's brush up on your lightsaber skills, Crocker." Obi-Wan ignites his lightsaber. Crocker signs and ignites his lightsaber. "Concentrate, Crocker. Try not to focus too much about certain things."

Zan-Cool watches Obi-Wan and Crocker.
07-03-2003, 9:58 PM
Uh, first I thought I was already in orbit of Roon. That was a mistake. Then, I left the space station in orbit of Roon, landed, and walked out and went to Tora's hideout by concentrating on finding Tora with the force. I'll edit that in though.
07-04-2003, 1:29 AM
okay, let's assume the space station is in orbit of roon. I had no Idea where the space station was anyway.

Sorry if I came across a little hard on ya there.
 Raven Darkheart
07-06-2003, 2:09 AM
((sorry for delay..takes me a while to be able to post))

((MS the station was near the bothan system so it would taken a while to get to roon. Also it won't be easy to find Tora. He is a jedi master who knows he hunted so he would have hide himself from force probe , yeah there an actually skill that lets you hide yourself among people. I did not say tora use it on but i did not expectyou find it quickly. I let it slide about you finding place but getting in is gonna be more difficult then you imagine Tora is a Crimelord too.))


Tora smiled and nodded "I thought that might catch your attention. All I need you to do is deliver an item for me. I was hoping to run into some friends but they are running a bit late. You will find it in Docking bay 4652 in a locker which will onlybe open with a specfic card..anything else and the whole block as well as the bay blows. Oh and don't run to Dooku with the item..he might kill you on the spot !" Tora said with a smile. "Oh, hold on one moment" He said as he was about to turn to leave. His face looked dead serious. "You best watch your back Bounty Hunter..even adopted family will betray one another for money" He said, this time with no smile. A man comes into the room and goes straight to tora and whisper something to him. " Ahh I see" Tora mutters and looks To Tidus. "You are a lucky man...seems there many other people who come to collect. I need not warn you about Hutt's Mercs. Anyway you may leave...and may the force be with you. He says turning his back while hismen look straight at him,holding their blaster as though they waiting for him to try something.

((Mean while in a battleship orbiting Roon))

"Sir the "Starship" is in orbit. Shall i shoot them down?" Answer a Clone trooper.

"No!..let them play their parts " Hiss a man who face is conceal in a black robe. He then slowly stood stands up and turns and looks a Dooku. "My apprentice you have done very well. Is all being set in motion?"

"Yes my master, I have sent our young padawan and a bounty hunter toward Tora. No doubt though Tidus might be easily bought." Dooku said firmly.

"Yes most likely, but he is not one who must care the one he looks after. Alsowe must continue pushing Young Skywalker. He is ready to break..all we need to do is set the chain reaction and he will become one of us. I hope you are ready my apprentice..for you know the rule!"

"Yes master I know. As will as the young one. But what about the Jedi and Tora?" Dooku replies while looking about the room

"Tora will die and the jedi will be lost as always..make no move on them yet or we will reveal all I must return to Courscant and push the other pieces. Make sure nothing goes off plan..or you know the price." The Dark figure says as he walks out of the room followed but two Clone troopers.

"Yes master I know" Dooku says quietly and walks towards the window and looks at the Planet Roon
07-06-2003, 2:26 AM
(I thought the RSS was in orbit of Roon. Sorry! Disregard and ignore that post and I'll make this one.)

Leaving the Republic Space Station at the outskirts of the Bothan System, Lipianus engaged hyperdrive, heading to Roon where he would complete his mission and faithfully serve his master. Walking to the back of the cramped fighter like ship, he sat at the only thing other than the controls, a small table.

(Any idea of how long for travel?)
07-06-2003, 3:06 AM
Titus didn't leave at first, he looked at the gun's pointed at him then to Tora. In a freindlyer tone he said, "I'm parched from my journey, mind if we get a drink together before we part? It'dd be nice to sit down for a moment too." And waited for Tora's reply.

Meanwhile Friska Micanike, the orange haired bounty hunter took out a device from his belt. Placing it against the wall he fiddled with it until he could hear the conversation going on inside. The devise was a sound amplifyer. Grining widely he licked his lips and listned.
07-07-2003, 6:55 PM
Still continuing along a large asteroid belt skirting several systems, Lipianus prepared to arrive in the Roon system.
 Raven Darkheart
07-08-2003, 10:28 PM
((it should take less then a should be there about now))

Tora smiled a bit and looked about. "Hmm there not really a bar here and you do understand if i refuse. Yes true you may work for me..but like Dooku. I'm sure someone will outbid me. I could have one of my men get you something. Prephaps also some company? Or are you a man of dedication? " He shrugs and then stays silent for a bit. "Strange....something seems...wrong" He says with a frown and moves his hand into his pocket. "If you do betray me...I hope you know I am far worse then the hutts. Ask's why my bounty is so high." He motions to a man " Bring the Bounty hunter a ruby biel"


A ship begins to enter orbit. The transmission sounds off in The siths ship "Welcome to Roon...please enjoy your stay and the master says all you need will be in Hanger bay 1X9X you know the password. "
07-09-2003, 1:20 AM
Titus shakes his head at the offer of some company (understaning the second meaning of corse ;) ) "Thanks but I just don't have the time, a quick drink is all I ask." When the Ruby Biel comes (assuming it's a drink of corse) Titus takes it and nods his head in aproval. He presses a button on his helmet to open the helmet's connection to his collar. Titus takes a straw from a pouch and puts it to his mouth to drink. But then he pauses. He sweapt his hand up to his helmet and sealed it once more without taking a drink. He then let his hand droop to his side and pressed a stud on his belt realeasing neural toxin so that it seemed like a normal motion.

Titus lowed the drink and posed Tora with a question, he waited a brief moment, "I wanted to ask you somthing," He paused a bit more. "About your line of work imparticular." He turned his full body to face Tora and studied him for a moment. The Jedi blinked and shook his head as if an odd sickness had come over him. "Does your concience ever bother you?"

Tora began to answer but no words came out, instead his mouth only opened and closed as if he were trying to say somthing.

From his heads up tactical display Titus watched the reactions of the nearby guards to the neural toxin. They are slightly farthur away so the effects are not as strong.

Titus quickly drawas the two blasters from his side holsters and picks the guards off one by one from either side in to the middle.

The guards are nulled from the toxin and slow to react but they manage to get a few poorly aimed shots off and one of the shots hits the bounty hunter in his right leg's armour plate. The armour protected Titus from the blast but he still felt the burning pain and would have a slight scorch on his leg.

With all the guards dead or dying on the floor Titus turns his gaze on Tora. Titus kneels down to look closely at the Zabrak. "Sory Tora, but I never alter a deal."

The jedi looked up at Titus with what strenght he had leaft and tried to talk but he couldn't muster enough strength.

Titus leened closer in on Tora, "I never said I would take your 'deal' just that it sounded good. Sorry."

Titus stood up and took a dozen steps back so that he could see the entire room. Tora's last ounce of strength left and he finally died.

Titus stepped up to the Jedi, his skin purple and dead from the toxin. Titus heafted the corpse over his sholder and headed towards his ship.


Meanwhile the other bounty hunter heard the peculiar conversation. When he heard nothing for a while he climbed the roof and dropped in through a sky light. To his surprise he found dead bodies of a dozen guards and no Tora or Titus. Snarling and cursing in his native toung he raced to the door but Titus had alread slipped into the shadows.

((Thought I was going to double cross you there Dooku eh?))
07-10-2003, 2:40 PM
((Going away for a couple of weeks. Please don't kill Riebe, but please do control her while I'm gone.))
07-10-2003, 8:35 PM
Stepping into Hanger Bay 1X9X, the young apprentice sights three sentry guns and a panel at the glass door. Walking up, he typed the password, 'TX134698', into the small black computer. Instantly, the door opened and the weapons turned off. Finding the fake Jedi's robes and a green lightsaber, Lipianus got into a Jedi Starfighter and headed down to Roon, intent on killing the ruling family and framing the Jedi. Victory was going to be sweet...
 Darth NeoVenom
07-12-2003, 8:47 PM
(Sorry for the dely reply. Wildjedi, I'm just going to post that Riebe went on the starship and contacted the Jedi Council. Sorry for controlling your character. :( )


Riebe boards the Starship Exclus and heads toward the ship's intercom system. She then contacts the Jedi Council on Courscant and notifies them that Zan-Cool, Obi-Wan, and Crocker encountered a Sith on the spacestation Tidrofine

Zan-Cool goes to the ships controls and takes off the spacestation and sets the ship to hyperdrive toward Roon. Obi-Wan and Crocker continued their training.

After a couple of hours, Zan-Cool sets the ship out of hyperspace. In the distance, all the Jedi can see the planet Roon. The ship then enters Roon and lands at the nearest hanger.

(My brother, Raven Darkheart, is going to the Doctor this whole week. The RPG is on a hold right now. My brother or I will notify all of you when the RPG is back in progress. Thank you for your understanding. :D )
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