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Enterprise Finale (SPOILERS)

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05-23-2003, 7:02 PM
Yep, that time of year.

I liked this one.

Berman has said he wants to go in a new direction for S3, and this is more a premiere than a finale. Some old sets aboard Enterprise have new looks (most notably the Torpedo Room, which is about twice as wide, and has racks for the new photon warheads), and some old characters are being revised (friendly, easygoing Trip is now out for blood).

As promised, the Temporal Cold War is still ongoing, with at least three different factions involved (Daniels' group, the shadowy figure sponsoring the suliban, and whoever it is that set Earth up the bomb).

Interesting that Mr. X is stepping up to help Archer, as he did once before (sending Silik to avert Enterprise's destruction). Apparently he's walking a razor's edge --he wants humanity hurt, but not destroyed). It makes sense that Daniels wasn't here --with Earth destroyed in the past, Daniels wouldn't even exist in the future. That's one entire faction crippled in one move.

Thing is, the time travellers told the Xinti(?) that Earth will destroy their world in 400 years. Now, this is in the 22nd Century, so 400 years puts us in the 24th or 25th centuries. By then, "Earth" = "UFP." The Federation is not in the habit of destroying worlds, not without a very good reason.

Next season, when Archer reaches the Xinti homeworld, truth could be his key weapon, unfortunately, Daniels isn't around to help him with this one. Archer though, has the clues he needs to figure out something's up (Daniels' reference to a "Federation" in Shockwave, for one). The question is whether or not he'll be cool enough to put two and two together.

The Delphic Expanse's much-vaunted "oddity" isn't going to make things easier. Right now, everyone there is feeling the way America did after 9/11 --they want vengeance, and they won't be very particular as to what the Xinti themselves say.

Hopefully, T'Pol will be able to hold herself together enough to be the voice of reason, though given the increased friction between Trip and rationality, it may be too little too late.

Did anyone keep count of "Captain Kaboom" Reed's torpedos? It'd be just like him to use up his entire supply of artillery in a single fight. ;)

The special effects were dazzling as usual, especially when the Bird of Prey gets blasted. Another cool scene was the T'Pol/Soval confrontation, which looked to have been filmed on location (not many soundstages are empty enough for that kind of a "long shot").

Apparently the Duras stupidity is genetic. :roleyess: What's the klingon proverb? "Only a fool fights in a burning house."

Anybody else wanna take the Bruce Almighty Review? It doesn't seem to be playing near me. :(
05-30-2003, 6:01 PM
Oh, for the love of Tiamat.

*finds Obi-wan13 and drags him bodily into thread*

06-01-2003, 3:22 PM
Since you are so desperate for a reply ill make one. . .:)
I watched Enterprise a few times, it wasnt too bad but it felt like old stories told again. . . I prefered Scott in Quantum Leap:) That was a good show!
06-02-2003, 12:27 AM
Beautiful review! I too liked this one. "what will happen next?" will keep me on the edge of my chair untill the new season starts.

You are right about the Duras case, too. That klingon couldn't command his way out of a paper bag.

Another thing about Reed: He is a bit trigger happy, but then again, so are all of the new Trek series's tactical officers. In this case, Reed got a new toy, and he wants to play with it as much as possible.

As for the Bruce Almighty Review, I might get that one later, I dunno.....
06-04-2003, 2:16 PM
Originally posted by obi-wan13
Another thing about Reed: He is a bit trigger happy, but then again, so are all of the new Trek series's tactical officers. In this case, Reed got a new toy, and he wants to play with it as much as possible.

Actually, the whole "Captain Kaboom" thing has become a running joke.

Where Worf, Tuvok, and . . . uh, Worf :roleyess: were just doing their jobs, Reed seems to genuinely enjoy his work.

Remember on the asteroid?

REED: *sadly* Well, it's okay. I was hoping for a little more symmetry on that edge (of the crater). . .

I peg him as one of those gamers who'll always use his biggest weapon until it runs out of ammo, and then be forced to rely on his bryar pistol (or fists) until he can find power-ups. ;)
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