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Jedi Skywalker

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Page: 4 of 4
Posted in: Battle above Tolaraan
 Jedi Skywalker
11-19-2002, 2:51 PM
Hey guys, I need some help here!!!!!!!!!:D I'm playing the level Battle above Taloraan, to get my NEXT 8 golden medal, but I can't get a golden one. Option 1, my time isn't good enough!!! Option 2, I killed to few enemies. HELP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!:)...  [Read More]
Posted in: Prisons of Kessel
 Jedi Skywalker
11-13-2002, 2:44 PM
Guys help me out! I'm having trouble with Prisons of Kessel. Everytime I play it, I get a silver medal. BUT I WANT A GOLD ONE!!!!!!!!!!!!:eek: It seems that I don't shoot enough enemies and when I shoot enough enemies my time is bad. Some advic...  [Read More]
Posted in: Battle of Naboo HELP!!
 Jedi Skywalker
11-16-2002, 4:00 AM
Originally posted by Rogue15 ya ,bfn is a tought game...I haven't played it as much as RSN, so i can't really help, sorry. :( Oh great. Is there anyone else out there who played Battle for Naboo? You must free Padme, and make a diversion so that...  [Read More]
Posted in: Battle of Naboo HELP!!
 Jedi Skywalker
11-12-2002, 3:46 PM
Anyone out there who could lend me a hand with Battle for Naboo? I've got trouble with almost every level to get gold or even silver!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!:confused: :ewok:...  [Read More]
Posted in: Free Wedge in RS 3d
 Jedi Skywalker
11-11-2002, 3:02 PM
Thanks again for the advice Rogue15. Did you get my message btw? Your a Rogue a like beacuse of your advice!! Keep up the good work and may the Force be with you!...  [Read More]
Posted in: Free Wedge in RS 3d
 Jedi Skywalker
11-10-2002, 10:54 AM
Hey you out there. I'm having trouble with getting gold in the mission where you must free Wedge Antilles before he comes in a Imperial Camp. I played it several times and I never get gold, always silver.:( Help me, any advice?:confused:...  [Read More]
Posted in: Question about gamecodes
 Jedi Skywalker
11-11-2002, 3:22 PM
What do you mean with the discussions in downtime?...  [Read More]
Posted in: Question about gamecodes
 Jedi Skywalker
11-10-2002, 10:59 AM
It really crashed. I was wondering because the night before I played Rogue Squadron for the first time with gamecodes. It really crashed, I couldnt get Windows 98 started. Sometimes I've got trouble with the mouse when I'm playing the game. I'm...  [Read More]
Posted in: Question about gamecodes
 Jedi Skywalker
11-09-2002, 5:16 AM
I've tried out the gamecodes I saw on this page. But the day after my computer crashed. I was wondering if it had something to do with the gamecodes?...  [Read More]
Posted in: Help! Escape From Fest
 Jedi Skywalker
11-10-2002, 10:51 AM
In the beginning, the first time I played the mission I tried to kill my "own" AT-PT's. Quit stupid, I know guys.:D Now I'm trying to get down the AT-AT and he's attacking the AT-PT's. :atat: Help Help!...  [Read More]
Posted in: Help! Escape From Fest
 Jedi Skywalker
11-02-2002, 11:02 AM
Hey you all. I'm looking for someone who can help me on the level Escape From Fest in RS 3d. I must abort the level everytime, before I get the chance to take down the AT-AT. Can you hep me out of there?:confused:...  [Read More]
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