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Posted in: Sideshow steps into the spotlight
07-11-2004, 4:37 PM
We've all seen the Monty Python figures and the James Bond figures they've done and we've then seen all the stuff Hasbro makes. Well, for those wanting realistic stuff and not the toys Hasbro makes, this is some good news for you. Sideshow has gott...  [Read More]
Posted in: Battlefront
06-10-2004, 3:42 PM
Well, this is cool if it's for preorder. If it's a store thing, I'm not getting it.... Here's what I'm talking about: Link (  [Read More]
Posted in: What's that? A transport? I'm saved!
06-03-2004, 4:55 PM
Diamond is going to have the Sandcrawler for an exclusive since Target decided to drop the rights to it. This makes my day collecting-wise. It looks like this year isn't going to be all that bad despite all the recarded guys, huh? :D...  [Read More]
Posted in: Cool German Collecting Site (LOTS OF PICS!)
06-01-2004, 10:46 AM
I couldn't translate it but it's got alot of nice pics of the OTC figures. Damn they look so cool I might wind up buying them all. Curse Hasbro, they snagged me in their trap. I am getting them all and leaving them all on the card. I'll need to find...  [Read More]
Posted in: Star Wars Shop Open (finally)
04-15-2004, 9:21 PM
Took them fricken long enough. Supposed to be open 35 days ago but due to some issues it's been closed. It's finally open. Check it out here ( and see what they got. Nothing I need (save for Kermit as Indy) at th...  [Read More]
Posted in: Comic Con Sandtrooper
04-09-2004, 4:26 PM
The fanclub better have that for sale too like they did with the Boba! That's the coolest silver figure I've seen yet! By the way, where did you all go?...  [Read More]
Posted in: The collecting 'WTF of the whenever!'
03-16-2004, 9:03 PM
Hasbro Australia is announcing a nation wide product recall on the Darth Vader: Throne Room Duel figure. According to them "The figure has a Lightsaber Throwing Action, which may be able to also throw other improvised items (i.e. toothpick, nail...  [Read More]
Posted in: Toy Fair: Hasbro Coverage
02-15-2004, 2:13 PM
I only collect Hasbro so this is what I'm looking at but for you who get other things, here's a better link ( Anyhow, here's the Hasbro link ( Check out the vintage car...  [Read More]
Posted in: Cantina Bar Sets - Wave II: Their Fates Revealed
02-12-2004, 11:30 PM
Well, the Bar Sets have just been officially cancelled by Hasbro. Brian has stopped accepting preorders but he promises if he ever gets his hands on a few of them out there, the preorders already made will be fulfilled. You can get all 3 for the low,...  [Read More]
Posted in: A space pirate's life is the life for me....
02-02-2004, 9:08 PM
....yo ho, ho and a bottle of Corellian Ale :D This is a space pirate adventure set between ESB and RotJ. A crew of pirates is in search of an Alderaanian nobleman (Mathyu Dooru) who was lost several decades ago. A myth soon formed of his vast fortun...  [Read More]
Posted in: Arrived he has
10-28-2003, 9:19 PM
Who forgot to inform us Master Yoda has arrived?! He was in stock the 16th and it is the 28th! What'd I miss?! Oh well. He is still in stock and I am ordering him tonight. Just a heads up for you two and to anyone else interested in the Holiday Edit...  [Read More]
Posted in: 1 year ago....
10-05-2003, 11:17 PM
Well, today marks my 1 year anniversary here at LF. You might think it'd be longer if you just looked at my post count, huh? :p Anyhow, this mod is the reason I registered at these boards and is now one of the 3 places I still visit, despite me not b...  [Read More]
Posted in: Christmas Gifts
10-04-2003, 1:01 PM
OK, it's October, but this is when that FAO Catalogue arrives and you usually point out: I want this, need that, and can't go on in life without one of these.... Well, this year's sucked. The only SW stuff I saw was the AotC chess set, Jabba's Palac...  [Read More]
Posted in: Textures please!
09-25-2003, 6:56 PM
Will you show some revamped textures in some updates possibly? Not to many to spoil it all, but just a few textures wouldn't hurt. I'd love to see them, especially Gromas. In the meantime, like always, keep it up. By the way, 3000th post. This mod i...  [Read More]
Posted in: Mohc
09-21-2003, 8:41 PM
Holy crap, that is the coolest thing I've seen. While I've seen tons of other better models on Hap's site, the fact he could take that cartoonish, stupid Mohc and make him into a 3D, life like man is just too cool. Who's doing Crix? IB or Hap? Keep i...  [Read More]
Posted in: Favorite level?
08-30-2003, 7:22 PM
No poll, 14 levels, 10 options for a maximum. I do not have a favorite level. They were all great, and some I can remember more than others. My least favorite level is the Executor is all I know. Poorly designed, as easy as Secret Base, save for the...  [Read More]
Posted in: Help
08-24-2003, 1:56 PM
I can't find the entire fanclub band for sale anywhere! Brian's is the only place I could find all 5 for 50 dollars, but he was outta stock:( And all the other places I could find that had SW toys, you were lucky to even see a single member for sale...  [Read More]
Posted in: Favorite Packaging?
08-22-2003, 6:35 PM
Mine would have to be vinage, all the way! It's just so cool. I can't explain it. It's got the big picture of the character and the silver border around it. Then, its a tie between the Saga and red carded PotF2 guys. Those are the most like vintage...  [Read More]
Posted in: Favorite Weapon?
08-22-2003, 6:30 PM
Depends for me on the situation. In an Imperial base, facing off nothing but Imperials (Fest), give me that Bryar! Slow, yes, but accuracy and ammo saved is a far greater asset. An E-11 is faster and might do fine if I have a few bounty hunters thro...  [Read More]
Posted in: Project Hasbro
08-14-2003, 3:27 PM
Project Hasbro? Erm... that's classified information... :p Post the stupidest things Hasbro has done that makes you hate them so much! Haha, I know most collectors dislike them alot if not hate them. My number once complaint: The remake the main...  [Read More]
Posted in: What are you MISSING?
08-12-2003, 11:21 PM
Well, instead of us wasting time and effort thinking posting what we have, why not post what we are missing?! :p For me it's mainly vehicles... PotF2 Darth Vader's TIE Fighter PotF2 AT-AT Walker PotF2 F/X X-Wing PotF2 EU Cloud Car PotF2 EU Airspee...  [Read More]
Posted in: Dark Forces FAQ
08-12-2003, 4:11 PM
Here's the coolest site for anything and everything one needs to know about the coolest classic FPS of all time ;) Dark Forces FAQ ( It's got everything you need to know about the game, including...  [Read More]
Posted in: 20% chance of it coming to JO?
08-05-2003, 12:10 AM
:( Well, I haven't checked this place in a long time and am saddened to see that. I'm not mad, because I agree if it is for the better then yeah, do it. But I won't be able to play it since my PC is FUBAR and can barely run JO as it is. JA is coming...  [Read More]
Posted in: Main Quest: Koribban
07-22-2003, 2:09 AM
I am near completion of my main quest of the game, seeing as Koribban is the last world I have chosen to visit. Anywho, let's cut to the chase. I'm so close to getting to the end, but there are a pair of obstacles I cannot get past. Those Force imm...  [Read More]
I was lucky that I did not encounter it, as I know many didn't encounter it either. But for any XBOX owners here or any of you getting it on XBOX, here's a tip on how to avoid a bug that is not able to be fixed and you can only beat the game by... st...  [Read More]
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