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Page: 7 of 19
Posted in: The One Year Thread
08-11-2001, 5:45 AM
I've one-up'ed myself... I got REALLY bored, and after hours of sifting through various russian documents I have, I redid that pic... and I'm taking to a printing company to get it made into a poster! I'll take orders for it later! http://www3.nbnet...  [Read More]
Posted in: The One Year Thread
08-10-2001, 11:13 AM
<font color=red size=6>ALL GOOD</font> <font color=white size=6>BEER ARE BELO</font><font color=red size=6>NG TO US.</font> ------------------ We've been going...  [Read More]
Posted in: The One Year Thread
08-10-2001, 11:11 AM
*hands GUNNER a real (ie. Canadian) beer* Drink up, bro! *knocks back his 7th* ------------------ We've been going about this all wrong. This Mr. Stay Puft is okay. He's a sailor, he's in New Y...  [Read More]
Posted in: The One Year Thread
08-10-2001, 4:07 AM
To Whom It May Concern: "All Your Base..." could take on a more literal slant if someone convinced the human genome sequencing companies (e.g. Celera) to use it as their corporate slogan. The genetic code is made up of nucleotides, also k...  [Read More]
Posted in: The One Year Thread
08-10-2001, 4:03 AM
Congress Adds 'All Your Base Are Belong To Us' Amendment To Bankruptcy Bill WASHINGTON, DC -- Seeking to increase fiscal accountability among citizens who have no chance to survive make their time, the House of Representatives added an "All Your...  [Read More]
Posted in: The One Year Thread
08-10-2001, 2:25 AM
And now, the Coup de Grace! My personal Fave! <font color=red>Image removed from file server due to space constraints!</font> ------------------ We've been going about this all wrong...  [Read More]
Posted in: The One Year Thread
08-09-2001, 5:07 PM
AND MORE!!! ------------------ http://www3.nbnet.nb.c...  [Read More]
Posted in: The One Year Thread
08-09-2001, 5:02 PM
More! ------------------  [Read More]
Posted in: The One Year Thread
08-09-2001, 4:56 PM
I got bored... ------------------  [Read More]
Posted in: The One Year Thread
08-09-2001, 6:31 AM
That video ROX0RZ J00 BOX0RZ!!! ------------------ We've been going about this all wrong. This Mr. Stay Puft is okay. He's a sailor, he's in New York. We get this guy laid, we won't have any trou...  [Read More]
Posted in: The One Year Thread
08-08-2001, 8:20 PM
What game is that "All your base are belong to us." from, and where can I get a copy? ------------------ We've been going about this all wrong. This Mr. Stay Puft is okay. He's a sailor...  [Read More]
Posted in: SETI@Home IV
04-24-2001, 10:02 AM
You bet your ass I am! I got two new results in so far this week... and it's only Tuesday! Not bad for a one-computer cruncher. ------------------ The crazy f*cker was jerking off 10 times a day... 10 times a day, at LEAST... They sent him to the...  [Read More]
Posted in: SETI@Home IV
04-23-2001, 10:01 AM
UUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ------------------ The crazy f*cker was jerking off 10 times a day... 10 times a day, at LEAST... They sent him to the Navy head shrinkers and the crazy bastard starts jerking off in the waiting room.....  [Read More]
Posted in: SETI@Home IV
01-31-2001, 11:49 PM
My comp's been in use 24/7 lately... my sister discovered ICQ, and that means no free computer time anymore. My life hes been a living hell ever since she learned how to use it from a friend....  [Read More]
Posted in: SETI@Home IV
01-17-2001, 1:18 AM
To the top with ye! ------------------ This post has been brought to you by: God I owe him more then anyone here can imagine. I guess dedicating my sig to His Glory is a half-decent start....  [Read More]
Posted in: i dont know what to call this thread
01-17-2001, 1:35 AM
The Man Upstairs can do amazing things, can't he, roz? ------------------ This post has been brought to you by: God I owe him more then anyone here can imagine. I guess dedicating my sig to His Glory is a half-decent start....  [Read More]
Posted in: Oh Ike!
01-17-2001, 1:14 AM
You hijacked my thread!!! ------------------ This post has been brought to you by: God I owe him more then anyone here can imagine. I guess dedicating my sig to His Glory is a half-decent start....  [Read More]
Posted in: Oh Ike!
01-03-2001, 1:37 AM
Check out this sig! ------------------ Hey. I am not a 'pigeon' or a '****hawk', And I don't 'drive planes' or bark commands. I don't wear bowls, beanbags, or odd things on my head, Although I am certain they are really, really... comfortable. I'm...  [Read More]
Posted in: Tie_ tanic...
01-03-2001, 7:04 AM
OMG!!!!!!! That was SOOOOOOOOOOOO worth it!!! A big congrats out to the folks who made this! It's pure gold! ------------------ Hey. I am not a 'pigeon' or a '****hawk', And I don't 'drive planes' or bark commands. I don't wear bowls, beanbags, or...  [Read More]
Posted in: Tie_ tanic...
01-03-2001, 6:50 AM
I'm just finishing up my 2 hour, 52 minute download... Down to the final nine. ------------------ Hey. I am not a 'pigeon' or a '****hawk', And I don't 'drive planes' or bark commands. I don't wear bowls, beanbags, or odd things on my head, Althoug...  [Read More]
Posted in: Shakey AIr
01-04-2001, 1:47 AM
<font color=red>ATTENTION NUTE GUNRAY!!!!!</font> I have aquired a copy of F-22 L3. Give me one week to get aquainted with my newest fighter and I'll take you mano a mano in a true dogfight... No missiles. ------------------ Hey. I am n...  [Read More]
Posted in: 2001 must be delayed!!!!
01-04-2001, 2:18 AM
I finally got my calender!!!!! ------------------ Hey. I am not a 'pigeon' or a '****hawk', And I don't 'drive planes' or bark commands. I don't wear bowls, beanbags, or odd things on my head, Although I am certain they are really, really... comfor...  [Read More]
Posted in: 2001 must be delayed!!!!
01-02-2001, 1:10 PM
Nitril ------------------ *Joker, to the helicopter gunner* "How can you shoot women, and children?" "Easy! You just don't lead 'em so much!!!" -Full Metal Jacket This post has been brought to you by  [Read More]
*pulls him closer* Will you be my special friend? *does the puppy eyes thing* Bark! *bares his teeth* Yip! *starts humping his leg* j/k ------------------ Hey. I am not a 'pigeon' or a '****hawk', And I don't 'drive planes' or...  [Read More]
1) Cheddar 2) Pants 3) Left 4) No 5) Yes, I watched almost all of it... I missed a few of the earlier ones. 6) Yes, RUDY IS MY HERO!!!!!!!!! 7) If I could live forever and look like I'm 25 then yes... If I kept aging, no. 8) Right 9) Door 10) Geograp...  [Read More]
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