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Posted in: Any one Play Indy and the Infernal Machine?
12-18-2001, 6:04 PM
Yeha, I liked the story, but the game looked like Tomb Raider. I also liked the fact that weapons weren't the biggest part of the game... because it had puzzles too!...  [Read More]
Posted in: oh my god. It's back. it's realy back this forum!
12-18-2001, 4:01 PM
#2 is up. Welcome back from the crew! :manny: :meche: :hector:...  [Read More]
Originally posted by Flirbnic Yes, I read the first book twice, and I read the second book... I started reading the third book, but didn't get very far. We're they movie quality? If so, then make them into movies.. ;)...  [Read More]
Well, if they made a movie of the first Myst, there would be... you,you,you,you,you and the guys in the books. They would be a HUGE part of the story, but they wouldn't be on screen too much....  [Read More]
Yeah, but the Myst movie might be better with a story with more characters in a not-so-empty world....  [Read More]
Lord of the Rings Indy 4 (if It's gonna happen!) MONEKY ISLAND THE MOVIE W00T!!!!! ah... 'tis only a dream :(...  [Read More]
Posted in: Favorite RPG
12-19-2001, 3:30 PM
I think that Zelda is an RPG because there are othe characters that help you out, and there are sorta towns. Also, Link isn't really THE MAIN character... I mean Princess Zelda gets more important each game that's made. Plus, the whole getting new it...  [Read More]
Posted in: Favorite RPG
12-18-2001, 5:06 PM
Hmm... never played Baldur's Gate... SSB RPG would be so awesome! Imagine... Link and Samus, and Kirby... side by side owning all!...  [Read More]
Posted in: Favorite RPG
12-18-2001, 4:00 PM
If you wanna consider Diablo 2 an RPG then that's added to my list. :manny:...  [Read More]
Posted in: Favorite RPG
12-17-2001, 9:53 PM
I guess you COULD say that... considering the equipping, etc... but I guess that's about all I can say because Deux Ex runs REALLY REALLY slow and crappy on my computer... :guybrush:...  [Read More]
Posted in: Emoticon tests!
12-18-2001, 9:32 PM
It was added! Yay! :sam: :max: :sam: :max:...  [Read More]
Posted in: Emoticon tests!
12-17-2001, 9:31 PM
That's pretty cool. Did you draw it all yourself? Cool beans! I can't wait until my emoticons are put up :D...  [Read More]
Posted in: Adventure Game Development Team ASSEMBLE!!!!!!
12-18-2001, 4:09 PM
the first one is making me puke due to confusion second one would require a timing thing to get all the packages to a certain place at a certain time, as in a game in a game, and might be annoying, I like the last one best. Definately sounds like a t...  [Read More]
Posted in: Max animation
12-17-2001, 9:35 PM
Most kickasstic! That was awesome! Make Sam blow up Marc Anthony! (For all you who don't know, Marc Anthony is usually the dog that protects tweety from sylvester. Big, brown dog)...  [Read More]
Posted in: What was your first adventure game experience?
12-18-2001, 5:05 PM
OMFG I have that game!!! I still never beat it though......  [Read More]
Posted in: Zaarin hits the Road
12-17-2001, 5:43 PM
Wierd... I didn't think it could get any easier to navigate... thers a back and next button on every entry, the contents has the entries in order from latest to earliest, and every entry has a 'back to contents' button to go back to the Contents page...  [Read More]
Posted in: Am I Normal?
12-19-2001, 3:39 PM
Every one has a different view of a normal person... that's why we are all unique :) This needs a new thread heh....  [Read More]
Posted in: The worst Adventurer Game you've ever played
12-18-2001, 9:15 PM
Now that I have discussed it a bit, I'm tending to like the Myst Series. Anyways, the hardest part I remember in the original Myst was the part with the piano in the rocket... if you had a bad sound card you could NEVER get that right......  [Read More]
Posted in: The Dig (... just a wonderin')
12-18-2001, 9:22 PM
Hey, T H R E A D S, I'm not sure what the total deal is, but when Zaarin gets back, we might redo the layout for the site. That might look pretty cool, so pay attention... I will post when the dig is REALLY back up....  [Read More]
Posted in: The Dig (... just a wonderin')
12-17-2001, 5:35 PM
Please, hold all the applause until the end... When's the end you ask? Just ask those four guys on the horses over there. It's a bit hard to see them... the sun has been blackened out......  [Read More]
Posted in: New game - what systems?
12-17-2001, 5:41 PM
Originally posted by iisaac Thank you. Everybody else mistakes my bad sense of humor for bad attitude. Attitude? Nah it's just the bad jokes that are annoying and pointless and not needed....  [Read More]
Posted in: old(er) dos adventure games
12-18-2001, 10:32 PM
Yes, but see, if Lucasarts could make something like scummv and SELL it, then they will shut it down, because they want the money AND the credit, which is why I fear the shutting down of it:(...  [Read More]
Posted in: old(er) dos adventure games
12-18-2001, 9:18 PM
We all pray that Lucasarts won't shut it down......  [Read More]
Posted in: How does one become a MOD?
12-18-2001, 9:25 PM
In your occupation area, type Mod... it will make you feel all better... that's about it, I mean, it makes you a mod in your own eyes. In my eyes, I run these forums... yeah, right, I wish. I R not 1337 h4x0r...  [Read More]
Posted in: LucasArts Christmas songs
12-18-2001, 5:04 PM
Pretty cool!...  [Read More]
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