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WIP: Boba Fett's Blaster (its my first model so don't laugh!)

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10-27-2002, 7:59 AM
Well i got all the plugins i needed so i decided to start modeling! im not even sure if im doing it right so if u see anything wrong just tell me! so what do u think, please do keep in mind its my first model! u only see the front and bottom view in this pic!
10-27-2002, 8:03 AM
You might want to take a perspective capture of that model... from the image shown there, you really can't get a good idea of the model at all. Just looks like a couple of cylinders from the angles shown.

And hey, don't worry about it being your first model. You'll learn a lot just from doing it, and probably have more to come after this one. Let's see another shot of the blaster. :)
10-27-2002, 8:05 AM
l ill work on it nore and post some more pics, do u think everything is ok with it?
10-27-2002, 8:55 AM
well i decided not to make it boba's blaster just a bounty hunter's blaster anyway here are some more pics.
10-27-2002, 9:19 AM
Appears to have too many polys. Cut down on some of the stacks, and don't use the ring, you can do those with a skin.
10-27-2002, 10:22 AM
what do u mean the ring, u mean the circles at the front of the blaster? ill reduce the polys, but other than that is it going to work do u think? also i was wondering how to skinmap.
10-27-2002, 10:45 AM
Yes, the rings. As a rule of thumb, never exceed these guidelines for weapons:

1000 vertices, 1200 polys.
10-27-2002, 10:51 AM
how can u tell if u have, where can i find out? (im using gmax)
10-27-2002, 11:31 AM
took off the rings and other unnecessary shapes, heres a pic:
(if pic doesn't show copy and paste the URL)
10-27-2002, 11:54 AM
its obvious you left the defaults on when making those cylinders. in your recent pic, look at the biggest cylinder, you can see it has 4 rings in the middle of it, these are called segments. when you make a cylinder, you can see under its properties two very important parts, 1. Segments and 2. Sides. these properties determine how many polys your cylinder will have. always set your segment to 1, this will eliminate all the extra rings. and choose an appropriate number of sides so that its not overly round but not too boxy.

to check the poly count, goto utilities (the hammer picture, not the name Utilities on top). there should be an option called polycount or something.
10-27-2002, 12:32 PM
cool thanks! how would i get it in game do u think? and for anyone reading this post, do u like the blaster?
10-27-2002, 12:59 PM
i went to polycount in gmax and it says 992 is this good?
 Lord -=[FBF]=-
10-27-2002, 3:58 PM
nice model!
as for getting ingame: there are 2 files u need to replace (well, 3). replacing the briar pistol, these are:
these are the internal and external models, and the skin, respectively.
to get ingame:
first, make sure u have a tag_flash in the model, and in the right place, and that the 0,0,0 co-ordinate is in the grip of the gun, near the top of it. then, export your model as c:/models/weapons2/briar_pistol/briar_pistol.md3
next, open assets0.pk3 in winzip and extract briar_pistol_hand.md3 into c:/models/weapons2/briar_pistol, and then open it. your weapon model will be loaded into it. click animations -> play and watch the anim. as it moves along, not the dip down but the slide, take note of which way your model is facing. i guaruntee it wont be inline. as i recall, it will be 90 degrees out in 2 of the 3 planes. in the default view of birar_pistol_hand.md3, it should be aligned to face u side on, with the back to the left. however, it will be pointing down and facing the wrong way. go back into gmax, rotate the model 90 degrees in 2 axes (i forget which - try wm out) and re-export, then reopen briar_pistol_hand.md3 and see if its inline. keep trying until it faces right. watching the anims, it should move backwards on the slide and dip down at the front during the curve. as far as i know, these are the anims for firing and taking the weapon out. once this is right, go back to gmax, and move the model about a grid square forward and to the left (looking at it from above). re-export, and u should b done for this bit. now, move it back to where the handle is over 0,0,0 and rotate it 90 degrees clockwise around the axis that runs front to back while looking at the model from behind. rotate and realign tag_flash and then export as c:/models/weapons2/briar_pistol/briar_pistol_w.md3
open this in md3view, and click file -> export as GLM click through the popups, and then close. put the model texture into the c:/models/weapons2/briar_pistol folder, and then run winzip. create a zip file called "gun.pk3" (including the speech marks) in the GameData\base folder of ur JKII install, and add briar_pistol.md3, briar_pistol_w.glm and briar_pistol.jpg to it, saving full path info. then, run the game, and ur model should b ingame with any luck.
i hope thats not too complicated, i have a habit of going over the top as it were. if u have any trouble, just ask, either post here or mail me (
the method i outlined above works fine for me, except that the model is seethrough in first person. fine in 3rd, invisible in 1st. its there, and its onscreen (cos i can see where the shots come from), but its not there. does anyone else have this problem, or know how 2 solve it? sorry to post a slightly flawed method, its probably summat simple ive missed, but if anyone could help id appreciate it.
10-27-2002, 4:03 PM
:drop2: long explaination but in time ill be able to read it, i think the only question i have left is how to skinmap? thanks to everybody who has helped so far! i never thought i'd learn so much on the first day of modeling! in 7 hours i already almost have a completed model!
 Lord -=[FBF]=-
10-27-2002, 4:08 PM
theres a basic skinmapping tutorial about halfway down my basic saber modelling tutorial at
that should cover about all u need to know to get started, altho i can guaruntee that when u get into skinmapping u will regret becoming a modellor. thats why i started using 3dsmax and the ChilliSkinner plugin (very handy!!)
10-27-2002, 4:12 PM
cool model ...if you want to try editing the vertices on the barrell with the uniform scale tool if you do that with the cylinder (selecting all the vertces in 1 ring) you could make some awesome weapons :D but still pretty awesome
10-27-2002, 4:21 PM
Lord -=[FBF]=- u have been the biggest help! i dedicate this model to u! in fact would u mind if the official name was the "L class FBF short range blaster" ?
 Lord -=[FBF]=-
10-27-2002, 4:25 PM
sure, no problem. im honoured u think ive been that much help. any more questions dont hesitate to ask.
10-27-2002, 4:29 PM
i take it that you got it in game then :P
10-27-2002, 4:34 PM
no, much to do have i first!
10-27-2002, 4:52 PM
lol hell i know that feeling
 Lord -=[FBF]=-
10-27-2002, 4:54 PM
who doesnt?
10-27-2002, 5:02 PM
one more quick question for the day u guys! (i have to stop modeling and do homework!:mad: ) i smoothed the texture of the model and wasn't sure which model to use. here is a page with the 2 models on it which one?:confused:
10-27-2002, 5:04 PM
smoothed 1 in my opinion
 Lord -=[FBF]=-
10-27-2002, 5:11 PM
smoothed one looks better, definately. u might want to check what the smooth has done to the polycount tho....
10-27-2002, 5:12 PM
its the same polycount so smoothed one it is! no more posts today check back tommorow i may have more stuff completed!
10-27-2002, 6:16 PM
you need the barrel to be longer
10-27-2002, 6:31 PM
what?!?!?!!??! uh oh! why? is it serious?
10-27-2002, 6:39 PM
awww dude got the bruce lee quote wrong

Think of water. It becomes everything you put it into. Put water into a cup, it becomes the cup, put water into a teapot, it becomes the teapot. Water changes so it works with the enviroment and not conflict with it. Water can flow, or it can crash with mighty power. Be water my friend.

there :p
10-27-2002, 8:32 PM
ya, ok his quote is wrong but what about that barrel issue?
10-27-2002, 8:39 PM
it looks waaay too big the handle probably couldn't even be grasped by a a hand. The barrel looks like an Ion cannon from the game. Try to make it smaller
10-27-2002, 9:05 PM
ive got 2 different and opposite opinions now what? one says its too big the other says its too small!:confused: :confused: :confused: :confused: :confused: :confused:
10-28-2002, 1:52 AM
ive got 2 different and opposite opinions now what? one says its too big the other says its too small!

No they aren't. The guns is big too big and the barrel needs to be longer aren't two conflicting things. You can scale it down a bit to reduce the size. And you can drag verticies to make the barrel longer. (If you don't know how to drag vertices I can explain it to you as I use Gmax.)
10-28-2002, 3:36 PM
could u explain scaling and draging verticles?
 Lord -=[FBF]=-
10-28-2002, 5:01 PM
ok, scaling: this involves the Uniform Scale tool. select the piece that needs to be scaled (it has to be a seperate mesh from the rest of the model), then select the Uniform Scale tool from the toolbar (its a pair of boxes, next to Rotate) and click on the piece, then drag up (i think up anyway). this will make the piece bigger, but keeping proportions. stop dragging when its the right size. if the bit ur resizing is part of another mesh, select the mesh, go down to the Vertex Editing sub-level (2nd tab from left on the toolbox on the right, and its the button that looks like a bunch of dots), select all the vertices that are part of the bit ur resizing but not any of the rest then use the Uniform Scale button as above.

dragging vertices to make the barrel longer: go down to the Vertex sub-level of the barrel mesh as above, then select all those on the end of the barrel (ie the circle at the top of the cylinder). then just extend the barrel by moving the vertices along with the Move tool. come out of the Vertex sub-level by pressing the Vertex button again (all the dots) then select those bits that are around the end of the barrel and move them along so they match up with the end.

there u go! simple!
10-28-2002, 5:17 PM
once again u come to the rescue ill see waht i can do! then ill skin map it, if i can i think it may be in game in a week! (maybe less!)
10-28-2002, 6:03 PM
k i may have a problem, i scaled it and made it smaller. i couldn't make the barrel longer because i had already made the model one big one. so i added a cylinder on the end, but the ploycount is 1208 its 8 over AHHHHHH! is it serious heres a pic anyway!
10-28-2002, 6:46 PM
nobody has replied so im going to try skinmapping it, only because i dont understand how to put on the tags, any one know how? i found the explication by FBF a little complicated.
10-28-2002, 7:17 PM
uh oh! how do u connect shapes together again? i cant remember! every time i try i messes up the model!
10-28-2002, 8:33 PM
I will show you how to drag vetices when I get back home. I will use pics to do it.
10-28-2002, 8:50 PM
u could probably get rid of the 8 extra polygons if you had less height segments in that extra cylinder :)
10-29-2002, 1:12 AM
Ok here is how you drag vertices in Gmax. I sugest you test this a a cylinder or something that doesn't have to do with you model.

First hit the button I have circled in Light blue in the pic above. That is manipulate. This must be in to do many of Gmax's funtions.
Then right click on the cylinder(Just a note make sure that you have as many segments as you need because you can't change it once you do this.) and go down to where it says convert to. Once the sub menu pops up hit "convert to editable mesh".

Next hit what I have circled In yellow in the pic above.

Go down to to where is says "Editable Mesh" and push the plus sign to bring out a menu. Hit the line that says "Vertex". And it is just click and drag from here.

And see you can make complex, longer, and other shapes without raising your polygon count alot.

Good luck.

P.S. If the links doesn't work I can make a page on my site.
10-29-2002, 7:49 AM
no they dont work!
10-29-2002, 7:56 AM
the model is getting all these errors on it so im starting a new one, this one WILL be Boba Fett's Blaster sound good? I'm going to come back to this model but i already connected everything and now i cant edit the model so with my new found knowledge (thanks guys!) im going to make a knew one! and it will be very good! don't give up on me though im 110% sure ill need some help! ill continue to post the new WIP here! hows that sound everyone?:D :fett:'s :charric: is on its way!
10-29-2002, 8:22 AM
just cos you connected it shouldnt mean you cant edit.... especially if your only moving around verts yay boba fetts blaster

lol when i finally finish my model i figure im gonna release that saber thing i did for him seperate :)
 Darth Vader III
10-29-2002, 11:23 AM
10-29-2002, 12:54 PM
im going to start the blaster later today, im gathering resources now. any pics u have would help!
Darth Vader III what is nice, my idea for boba's blaster or my first one?
 Lord -=[FBF]=-
10-29-2002, 4:53 PM
even if u've attached the meshes then u should b able 2 edit at vertex level, but boba fett's blaster does sound like a rather good idea...

as for tags: to make a tag, use the 2D elements panel of the toolbox on the right, the tool u are looking for is the Line tool. then, draw a right-angled triangle. simple. now go to vertex mode, then select the move tool and put each points co-ords in by hand (round numbers are best, it doesnt matter where this puts the tag as u can always move it). one of the sides (not the hypotenuse) should be twice as long as the other (not the hypotenuse). a good set of coords would be the first point at (0,0,0), the next at (2,0,0) and the other at (2,1,0). then, exit vertex mode, name the piece tag_flash and move it to sit in the barrel of the gun, with the shorter edge where the shot wants to come out and the longer edge moving back away into the gun, like this:
| |
| tag_flash | | Direction of fire -->
| ______| |
barrel of gun

ok, so its not a great diagram, and the hypotenuse is missing, but hey, it should help u get the idea. this is an important thing to remember to do, as it tells the game where the gun needs to fire from, and in what direction.

 Lord -=[FBF]=-
10-29-2002, 4:55 PM
damn... now why wont it let me use multiple spaces?
 Lord -=[FBF]=-
10-29-2002, 4:57 PM
|...........tag_flash |..|.......Direction of fire -->
barrel of gun

there u go, just ignore the full stops
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