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Han Solo model in progress

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10-29-2002, 3:13 PM
Han Solo's Blaster, and Han too..Sweedish.
 The Executor
10-29-2002, 4:16 PM
In the Episode V movie there are Pain- sounds of Han Solo....
In Cloud City Solo gets tortured by a machine from
Figg & Associates Metallurgisch....

The machine was not made for torture. Vader has modifyd the machine. It was a Scanmachine for anilyse metalmonsters.

I hope you can finish your Han Solo model with it!

:D :D :D
10-29-2002, 4:59 PM
the executor that scene and those sounds have been recommended and discarded before, the scene cuts too fast into vader outside the torture room and the souns come from the other room, that wouldn't sound good on game because if you kill han solo you will hear his scream like if it were coming from another room.
 Hellfire Jedi
11-02-2002, 7:28 AM
Simply the best short NO detail looks great one of the more realistic models i've seen in the past few weeks!!
Good Luck finishing it and releasing it ta ta :P
11-02-2002, 11:48 AM
11-02-2002, 12:11 PM
I think someone already suggested that. Also, don't write "flick" in capital letters, it really doesn't look very good.
11-03-2002, 7:08 PM
Can I test out your Han Solo model???
I really like the character I could give you feed back on your sounds and so on...I really would like to help!!!
Right now I am currently working on a new Yoda skin--making it more like the Ep2 movie---
I am helping out with the Watto Model with sounds
If I could help you out with this model It would be soooo great thank you!!!

RJW_ca "OUT"
11-04-2002, 7:15 PM
Hmm..i was wondering if the blaster model could be released seperately..i really want to use it :(
11-04-2002, 8:43 PM
Well... typically, they release weapons seperately from the rest of the model... When they came out with the Tuscan model, the Gaffi stick was a seperate model&skin. So... you should get your wish.
11-04-2002, 10:12 PM
I kinda meant..i was hoping that the creator could release the gun model right now....

I'm pretty sure he finished it..
11-07-2002, 12:55 AM
Hmm, don't know if your stuck on sounds, but if you are I just remembered the scene out of the Temple of Doom where the boy jabs the red-hot torch thing into Indy's chest, he makes a rather loud cry as I recall... (Don't think there was too much background music at that point either, but I could be wrong, it's been a while...)
11-09-2002, 2:39 AM
Major Clod.... I was wondering if your still around and what your waiting on for this model?
11-09-2002, 10:58 AM
Originally posted by _NinjaGaiden_
Major Clod.... I was wondering if your still around and what your waiting on for this model?
11-10-2002, 1:46 PM
Yeah, its takin an awful long time too,

And t3rr0r plz check ur pms
11-10-2002, 1:50 PM
Originally posted by Flanders
And t3rr0r plz check ur pms
/me hopes he meant private messages :rolleyes:
11-10-2002, 1:54 PM

And check it again plz..

And has Clod had any sucess in sounds?
 Hellfire Jedi
11-10-2002, 6:52 PM
Its rushing threw my vains at mach speeds that it is

U.VW wrapped good model
M.agnificant model
P.erfect bored and wanted this model at the same time :P
 Hellfire Jedi
11-11-2002, 8:39 PM
I think this is dead he hasn't posted anything in what it seems ages now... wel lClod whats up did u stop on this or what?
11-12-2002, 12:01 AM
I doubt very seriously that this model is dead. Major Clod is just not that way.

Plus, if you remember, it took him a little while to finish off his Tusken Raider model. Just have a little patience. We will all be able to play as Han soon enough. ;)
11-12-2002, 1:13 AM
The last time he posted was 10.24, I think. I'm pretty sure he's still working on it, but who knows. It has only been about 2.5 weeks, but then again, it HAS been 2.5 weeks.
11-12-2002, 8:06 AM
pfft... major clod never dies! he always is lurking... infact, i see him now in the modelling forum. :p
 Hellfire Jedi
11-12-2002, 3:09 PM
That i know i see him now and then every so often but...
Why does he never post mysteries....
maybe... j/k i went into maybe list would be endless :P
 Darth Loki
11-12-2002, 5:53 PM
remember, he said he had exams, so work on the model would be slow. be patient, and if you have no patience, learn patience.
11-14-2002, 7:23 AM

11-14-2002, 5:22 PM
hansolo's readme that came with the model says with animations???

How do I make Han Solo's ANIMATIONS work in game???
he says taunts in multiplayer but doesn't move his lips--is this right??

Han Solo doesn't show up in singleplayer !! Should he???

the gun looks awsome!!!

RJW_ca "OUT!"

please e-mail me about this!!
11-14-2002, 9:25 PM
Originally posted by RJW_ca
hansolo's readme that came with the model says with animations???

How do I make Han Solo's ANIMATIONS work in game???
he says taunts in multiplayer but doesn't move his lips--is this right??

Han Solo doesn't show up in singleplayer !! Should he???

the gun looks awsome!!!

RJW_ca "OUT!"

please e-mail me about this!!

Wow dude, calm down. This MUST be your first time playing/first model... :rolleyes: Anyways, the animations only work for single player and its not supposed to show up in single player unless someone releases a mod.
 rut-wa jodar
11-15-2002, 4:11 AM
Thanx MajorClod, your models are simply amazing :thumbs1:
11-15-2002, 6:52 PM
Just beautiful. Been using him all night. Awesome work.
Now... can I skin him? And is there a reference mesh available?
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