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Tales of the Jedi: Obi-Wan13 is a dumbass

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 Master Kenobi
07-08-2000, 9:04 PM
;;Obi-Wan looked to Yarael and said:: "Obi-Wan13 is a dumbass." "Of course this isn't real" replied Yarael "But then again, we're not the 13 yr old dumbass who hangs out in a two person Rp forum all day are we?" "Certainly not," Yarael explained.

;;flipping his finger to this foolish runt, the two began to verbally taunt Obi-wan13;; "By simply implying that we are in any way associated with the likes of Darth Justin, you display a maturity level lower than that of an infant" Yarael said, to which Obi-Wan added: "I fart in your general direction, now go away or I will taunt you a second time!"

May the Force be With You....

Feel, Don't Think....

Master Kenobi&Yarael Poof

Council Member
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