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FC Music

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11-09-2000, 1:03 PM
LucasArts were originally going to release mp3s of FC's music onto their website, but stopped after 3. Does anyone now of anywhere or how I can get the rest. I tried just loading off the cd but the files are in some strange format.
11-09-2000, 2:41 PM
try any one of the free music exchange sites like napster et al.
 Jarras Starfire
11-12-2000, 11:04 PM
Here goes a link that gives you a program that can change FC's music formats into MP3's

Listen to the ewok song

May The Force Be With You......
11-16-2000, 8:12 AM
Thanx, I'll give it a go, but I'm a bit worried about an Ewok song, the version in the SE was nowhere near as the original!
11-18-2000, 7:01 PM
Hey, that's just what i need thaknyousomuch!!!!!!!!
11-18-2000, 7:02 PM
no, where's the thing to convert mp3s to midi? I'd like ti for my website please!
11-20-2000, 2:56 PM
Thanks, now i can make my own Force Commander CD!!! And i could take off the x-wing Alliance music, YES!!!!!
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