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02-27-2000, 8:36 PM
Does any1 knowwhat the URl is for the JKRPG site? I really want to download it when it comes out. thanx

Why does life have to be so long?
 Darth Kurgan
02-28-2000, 1:08 AM
Yeah, could somebody post that? I used to have it, but lost it long ago. I thought the project was dead, but then there was that news post some weeks ago that said they were doing a beta test. Sounds encouraging! I wish them luck..

So, anybody know?

03-01-2000, 9:45 AM
It's still not released yet, but it's assuredly going to be downloadable from ( once it is. The site where the project origionated was called Specter Studios (which is at (, but most of the origional members have left, and I'm not sure if they consider RPG to be an SS production any more.

The project isn't dead, but it did go quiet for a while because Nebula and Obsidian were working on the coding, and no one else knew what was happening.

[This message has been edited by Tycho_Celchu (edited March 01, 2000).]

[This message has been edited by Tycho_Celchu (edited March 01, 2000).]
03-01-2000, 9:46 AM
Specter Stuidios' main page's URL is
03-02-2000, 3:58 AM
For the record, by my count, this would be like the third or so JKRPG project. There were a couple like a year or more ago (one of which was hosted by Jedi Legacy). This one is an idea that Nebula came up with and has pretty quickly come together. It's much smaller in scope, but the projects with a reasonable scope are the ones that get completed in this community.

03-03-2000, 10:28 PM
OK, thanx, Tycho. I checked the page yesterday and I think they only need to finish the coding and weapons.

Why does life have to be so long?
03-04-2000, 11:37 AM
According to Nebula (the leader of the project), the final beta of RPG was sent to JK: Beta Testing Group. The people there will test it for any remaining bugs, and then it should be released by the end of the week.
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