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3do's, weapons, & levels......

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 Rigel 58
08-05-2000, 10:30 PM
Thanks for responding so quickly to my last post. Anyway, I found to edit the basics of a level(Characters, there weapons, etc.) I didn't need a level editor.

Anyway, I re-did level 9, Fuel Station launch. I converted it into a pirate base, complete with Tuskens, Rodians, etc.

I added the appropriate 3do's to the list, and it stank. The MAT's positioning was all wrong. They walked on there hands, uuhg, it was terrible:O. The crossbows didn't work. I have the demo version, which includes ALL weapons 3do's.

Can someone tell me what I'm doing wrong? Specificly, can someone give me a list of the basic templates? Thanks.

P.S. Whenever I died, when I tryed to reload it from quicksave, it kicks me back to windows. Arrrg@!$^^&%*#%*%^*

You don't know fear until it comes in the form of heavy weapons
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