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Preliminary Republic Strategy

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05-12-2002, 6:52 PM
Alright, since the Republic has cheap, CHEAP troopers / clones, here's the idea:

1) in your econ-build up, you send two villagers to the edge of your opponent's base (at the end of Tech 1)
2) at the start of tech 2, you let them build two troop centers and a power core and immediately start building troops
3) flood / rush your opponent with troops and anti-air-troops
4) boom econ and finish the job
 Gaming Nut
05-12-2002, 11:49 PM
Where it say theitr cheaper it say they get them a hell of alot faster at tech 3 but nothing about chepaer units.
05-12-2002, 11:55 PM
I really don't think their specal attributes don't kick in until tech3. Isn't there a technology that allows them produce them 50% faster? I think that is what it is. Otherwise it would be overly inbalanced
 Treacherous Mercenary
05-12-2002, 11:56 PM
I would agree with GN, but I see +50. Does that mean 50% faster or faster and cheaper? Here's ( the page to see. From the looks of it, it's vague at this point.
 Gaming Nut
05-13-2002, 1:24 AM
Says quicker that usally mean faster not less cost Im assumings it build 50% faster since a clone is unlikely to cost less then sjut training a guy their edge is their full grown in a few monuths and are all in peek condtion and mindless if need be.
 Emperor Dan
05-13-2002, 1:37 AM
Yeah, I don't think it means cheaper, but what's the difference? No matter what civ you are this works well anyways, although I suggest you flood with troopers in early TL2, before they get turrets up.
 Crazy_dog no.3
05-13-2002, 4:45 AM
I call this tactic rushing.:D
05-13-2002, 2:54 PM
I call it mindless slaughter on an unaware opponent.

Hey, i won most of my matches so far, and mostly with stuff like this. Only Pulser and Tirion blew me away, and that was around Tech 3. So i suppose there's a certain winning ingredient here..
 Crazy_dog no.3
05-13-2002, 4:05 PM
Talk about the world of Christ not co-existing with the word of Star wars.:rolleyes:
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