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04-06-2002, 10:09 AM
I only get an extremly low framerate when I go into an outdoor area :s......its very annoying.
04-06-2002, 12:55 PM
Yeah, I am also getting the usual hit outside and with lots of enemies around, too. However, I haven't had quickload problems. I am playing with slo-mo deaths set to "never." I'm also wondering if it's a GeForce thing. After reading this thread it seems like everyone having this problem has a GF3 (somebody correct me if I'm wrong). I have a GF2mx400 and a GF4mx440 (which I bough only to get zero performance increase) and I don't have quickload problems with either one of them. If somebody out there who IS having this problem has access to a GF2 or a GF4, try it out to see if this could be the problem.

...For general perfomance, somebody suggested turning off vsink in opengl setup ... somebody else said turn it on in the game ... etc. I messed around with all the vsink settings and they didn't make any difference on my machine.

By the way... I have:
AMD 1.3ghz
DirectX 8.1
Detonator 28
04-06-2002, 5:15 PM
Dont be an ******* SkyLightWalker. I work at Wal-Mart and have spent a ton of spare money I saved up on my system. Instead of getting (insert $1000 dollars of various fun things to buy) I saved up until the GeForce 4's came out, and I outfitted myself with a GeForce 4 Ti 4600, an nForce motherboard and a Athlon XP 1800 and 256 mb DDR. You may notice that this system is not only powerful, but cost effective and custom made. I have a crisp, clear, 15" moniter that I salvaged for $15 dollars and fixed with a soldering gun. I didn't just burrow my daddys credit card and phone alienware. I don't insult anyone for having slower hardware, because I understand how much you have to sacrifice to have a "supercomputer" I would ask you to think about why I deserve to be insulted for not wanting to turn my settings down when it is OBVIOUS that my system should probably be able to handle all the settings of Jedi Outcast.
04-06-2002, 5:22 PM
Hehe, I thought we had left Skylightwalker behind. . . but I too would like to point out that I am an adult and I spend my own hard-earned money on my system(s) as well. :)

But, having said that, Skylight is obviously a troll whose only purpose here is to ruffle our feathers. We should just ignore him. :)

04-06-2002, 5:30 PM
Ive got a 1.4 gig /w 256 DDR ram, GF2 MX 400, winME.

I have everytyhing at max, 800x600 res (becuase there's no friggin difference between 800x600 and 1024x768 when in the heat of battle) and get rock-steady 40fps and relativly fast loads.
04-06-2002, 6:18 PM
I have an Athlon 1.4 Ghz, 256 mb RAM, ATI Radeon 32mb DDR card.

I had no problem at all with the game, running it at 1024*760 until I got the Yavin levels. There, with the rain, the plants, the fog, the game ran sloooooow so I had to run ti at 800*600 and change some other settings. It still isn't as fast as before.
04-08-2002, 1:46 AM
Man, I'm so happy. I just decided to quit messing with my GF4mx and get a GF3ti - which at first didn't run any better. Today I figured out that I didn't have the right AGP drivers installed and fixing that made a world of difference.

Now I'm running on HighQuality + 1600x1200 resolution (no volumetrics). I now get up to 200fps and the lowest that I have dropped to is 20fps in really big areas like artus_mine.

Also, does anybody know how to check your AGP bandwidth? I want to make sure that mine is set to 4x.
04-08-2002, 5:59 AM
Okay, posted this to the main other thread. But just in case people aren't following that (sorry if this annoys anyone):

Just a couple of new notes:

1. The observations others have made are correct. The quickloading of an auto-save does not *always* cause the FPS take a nose-dive until the game is restarted. It seems to happen only 1/3 of the time. But, that 1/3 sucks because then you have to restart JKII altogether (if the goggle or scope trick doesn't work).

2. I confirmed that using the scope or the low-light goggles *does* bring the FPS back to normal. . . once or twice. But after one or two times, it stops fixing it, and you must quit and restart JKII.

3. Just a quick observation. It seems to be normal for the FPS to be low for a few seconds right after a save is loaded. Then, after about 3-5 seconds, they jump up to normal/fast speed. I used to think this was the textures loading into the video card's RAM, so I would spin around during the laggy time to get them all loaded. I have since noted that the normal short period of lag lasts the same amount of time whether I spin or not. Anyways, my point is that it seems like a "switch" of some kind is thrown 3-5 seconds after a saved game is loaded. Optimally, when that switch is thrown, performance increases to normal/fast levels. But, perhaps, what we are noticing after the quicksave is quickloaded is that this switch is not being thrown properly. . . because the performance never increases to normal/fast levels. Make sense?

4. Finally, I think maybe doing a vid_restart from the console may bring things back to normal performance after the quickload bug strikes. But I haven't had a chance to test this.

That's all. . . Best of luck figuring this out. Personally, I now consider the game unplayable. I'm on Nar Shaada right now and I die so often. . . and then load a game only to have my system's performance stink. . . and then it's two-three minutes of quitting and restarting JKII altogether. Bleh. . . it ruins the game.

Best Regards,

04-08-2002, 8:09 AM
I also get stuttering in outdoor areas, and when their is a lot of heavy auto-fire going on (being outdoors is the bigger problem). Changing the detail levels to real low or real high doesn't do much of anything to change this.

Some of you guys are mentioning video cards other than mine, and thinking that it is a problem with certain cards. Well I have a 3d Prophet 4500.
I have 320 MB RAM, 500 MHz Celeron, and Windows 98. I also have pretty slow loud times, it takes a minute or two. (I haven't timed it.)
04-08-2002, 12:03 PM
Originally posted by Hurin

4. Finally, I think maybe doing a vid_restart from the console may bring things back to normal performance after the quickload bug strikes. But I haven't had a chance to test this.

Sounds like the texture buffers are not being flushed with the quick load. I don;t have my console list in front of me, but soemthing b_flush or maybe just flush may also fix the problem, a vid_restart by definition will automatically flush all buffers, so....
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