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Nvenoms Custom Interface/Enhanced Map

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04-10-2011, 4:24 AM
IMPORTANT: Only Check one Color Box and Map enhancment pack if you want it)you will know what im talking about

Only Supports 1024 X 768 atm you can still download for map pack though just make sure not to check any of the Colors

M Stands for main S Stands for secondary (colors that is)

Nve's Custom Interface
And Map Enhancement

This Mod is in an Attempt to Make Kotor Interface Completely Personal to you,I have added Depth to images i felt needed them and am trying to get rid of that old feeling (at-least after playing through the game about 12 times) Ive made Three Main Colors including

For those of you Wondering i am building a Giant Patch with support to all the mods that add new maps, I just have to get permission to Release it from the Owners.


And Three Secondary Colors

Bright Blue

This Means You Can do any form of color combo you want within the Limitations of the 4 main and 3 secondary colors.
The Map Enhancement Was Simple enough and is completed adding depth and higher quality images

Download Link Here (

Some Images of the Color Combos use it to choose what color combo u want when installing, Warning there big photos XD
04-10-2011, 8:40 AM
Damn. Nice work! :thumbsup:
04-10-2011, 1:07 PM
Damn. Nice work! :thumbsup:

Thanks, Put alot of hard work into it
 Qui-Gon Glenn
04-10-2011, 3:00 PM

The increased detail is a nice enhancement! As the game gets older, little things like this give it a fresh touch!
04-11-2011, 12:37 AM
This great work here man will be installing
04-11-2011, 12:53 AM
Definitely getting a place in my KOTOR folder. An original idea (haven't seen anyone do something similar in my time here), executed very well.
 Dak Drexl
04-17-2011, 11:01 PM
Your pictures have stopped working for me, just a heads up! I know they worked earlier.

This is great though. It's so nice to look at something fresh after all these years of playing.
04-19-2011, 4:08 PM
Yeah Photobucket is having some issues anyone else wanna post some images would be nice as i am currently done modding kotor atleast for now

Edit: photobucket is fixed images should be back now
08-03-2012, 7:54 AM
If anyone has a copy of this i would greatly appreciate a download of it, Recently had to do a fresh install and lost all my stuff :(

If i get my hands on a copy i will upload it again

Got the File and Uploaded it, A Big Thanks to all the people who passed me a copy :thmbup1:
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