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TSL Gender Unlocker and Romance dialogs.

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01-13-2011, 6:49 PM
Any idea if there is a mod, to allow a female PC to possibly get affectionate dialogs from the female NPCs?

I didn't want to call them Romance, iirc there really wasn't much in the way of romance in TSL. However it would be nice to get the lines a male PC gets as a female PC, since I am not into running around for 30+ hours looking at guy butt. ;)

Or I was wondering if it would be better to try KSE. In KotOR even though I had the "Bastila and Female Revan" mod on the final confrontation fight with Bastila I had to use KSE to change the gender of my female to get to tell her I loved her. All the other options seemed to work, getting the same flirt lines as the male with all the female NPCs in-game.

Has anyone tried to play as a female with the gender set to male with KSE all the way through?

It's been the early years since I played TSL (kept waiting for the Restoration efforts to complete :( ) has anyone, mod enhanced TSL Romances?

Thanks for any tips or links. :)
 Rtas Vadum
01-13-2011, 7:30 PM
Its supposed to be possible(by what the canon story is) to have the Handmaiden in your party, when playing as a female. What options they intended to make this possible, I can't say.

There is a mod that made this possible(see it
here:;41143), though it isn't compatible with TSLRCM. Having her in the party as a female would inevitably allow you to spar with her, basically following the same path as a male pc would. I don't know if they intended for more options beyond that(more akin to the options in the first game), though I'd imagine it would gone over just as well as the thing with Juhani and Belaya, if there were.
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