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Yoda Animation Fix

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06-13-2010, 7:49 PM
This is a quick, basic override file that'll replace the in-game yoda model with one that has the all of the PC animations -- you can even do first person mode with it if you want. As it's a small override, it should be compatible with most mods.

You'll need to use KSE to edit your savegame and change your appearance, though. I couldn't get the .2da's to behave long enough to get past the character creation section. No portrait or updated skin is included with this file at this time.;114987) - Updated version


06-13-2010, 8:14 PM
Nice x) I will use it the nex time i play TSL ^^
 Mandalore The Shadow
06-14-2010, 6:44 AM
Useful i'll download
 Darth Payne
06-14-2010, 7:53 AM

Is there a saber that actually fits the hand of Vandar/Yoda for TSL?

Even the short saber seems too big for his hand. I know there is a Yoda Saber mod for K1 though that fits well with the hands of the Vandar/yoda model.
 Isaac Clarke
06-16-2010, 6:56 PM
Will this work for K1?

I know there is a Yoda Saber mod for K1 though that fits well with the hands of the Vandar/yoda model.
Which mod? I heard about this everywhere, yet I downloaded oldflash's K1 model, and it still is off.
06-16-2010, 7:47 PM
06-17-2010, 5:47 AM
Thank you Jonathan. Darth, I don't believe this'll work with K1. It would probably be better to mate the K1 yoda model to a K1 npc/pc model.

EDIT: I'm going to post an updated model to KOTORfiles tonight that'll make powers such as force lightning come from yoda's hand and reseat the left/right hand weapons better on the model.

I'll also take a look at the K1 files to see if I can get a working Yoda for that.
06-17-2010, 10:57 AM
Just have to say Awesome!
06-17-2010, 9:18 PM
Thanks, guys. I have submitted an updated model to KOTORFiles that tweaks the forcepower, left hand, and right hand dummy nodes. Once it's approved, I'll change the link above.
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