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[Tutorial] Naming a custom module

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 Marius Fett
01-06-2009, 3:16 PM
Here's a tutorial from Canderis on how to give your custom modules their own unique name ingame, rather than leaving them with the names of the original areas.

Here's a link to Canderis's profile:

And here's a link to the original thread:

Ever noticed when you make a new module, and open up the map you (where it says the name of the module) it will say the same thing as the original? Ever wanted to change it? Heres how:

1]Create a new folder, name it like "My new module" or something.
2] Extract your module's files (.git, .are, .ifo)
3] Download a gff editor
4] Launch the gff editor and load in the .are file.

Naming The Module:
1] Locate the "node" called "Name". Click on it.
2]Right click on it and click "Add String"
3]A thing should appear that looks like this:
4] Click on that thing and on the side bar you click in the box:
In that type the name of the module.

5]Compile into a .mod file and put into your override and watch it work! (See another tut for module building)

And here is the result:
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