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another good idea 4 swg

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06-12-2007, 3:06 PM
Ok here is another good idea 4 an new expansion pack 4 SWG.Make it so u can go 2 bespine!Also u can get a new type of house.Small bespine house medium bespine house and large bespine house!Also u can buy ships like cloud cars and u fly them on the planet! post back with comments and more ideas.
06-18-2007, 11:01 AM
Yeah, that sounds good. You could have different floating cities, where you have to fly to each of them.
06-20-2007, 7:26 PM
Yeah, that sounds good. You could have different floating cities, where you have to fly to each of them.
yeah new cities more gambling more vehicles
06-20-2007, 7:29 PM
here is something else i thought of. make your own landspeeders like structure traders can make speeder engines and u make the body and chassis
10-11-2007, 8:16 PM
While I think Bespin would be cool (along with the cloud cars) I don't think the player city and the new house thing would work, I think it should be more like Kashyyyk than just another planet like Tattooine, Naboo, Endor etc. where there would be just one city and that, of course, would be Cloud City, I mean, you don't exactly see floating cities around every corner...
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