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Kotor Restoration Project: K1RP Official LF Thread!

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01-07-2008, 12:48 PM
I think the things Seamhainn listed in his previous post are certainly doable, with the possible addition of the Czerka Korriban Module(s)(?). Good planning could very much lead to their restoration.

It's a pity there aren't that much 3D modelers or people proficient in Max. I think, if you people want the Tatooine Temple restored, you should at least try to find any other modelers that can help. I think it's not good to leave all 3D modeling to Quanon. I think it'd be fun, or at least less stressing to him, to work together with other 3D modelers and then the module-creating doesn't wear the modelers down too quick.
03-29-2008, 10:37 AM
Sorry, i don't mean to interrupt. I've just been reading everyones comments for the past 2 pages, and i personally thought that this project went kaboom... i mean, some restoration has been done right? The Garum and Tareelok restoration, Sharina Fizark restoration, the Iriaz fix, Deadeye Duncan... well deadeye isnt that completed, its still very dodgy, and the Shuma the Hutt fix causes some crazy errors in the game, like all of the doors in dantooine closing and none of the NPC's spawn... Cripes.

But just to let you know, i'm sure if the entire KotOR Community knew about this project, they would all have your support, just like Team Gizka.

Erm, nothing more i can say... i just hope this project will be dedicated from now onwards. I was upset when i realised that the whole thing was going to shambles. You have my support (and everyone elses.... so long as they know this project exists :P)

And i dont want sarcastic comments on how "my support" has raised your hopes to the moon. But it would be nice if it did lol.
03-29-2008, 10:42 AM
Sorry to burst your bubble, but Team Jawa and THIS project is dead. Another project was started a week or so ago, and the thread is here:

It has been picked up by Team Hutt, who has incidentally, have been working on Sleheyron for the last month.
03-30-2008, 5:30 PM
some restoration has been done right? The Garum and Tareelok restoration, Sharina Fizark restoration.

These restoration has not been made by team jawa

Both are made by me but the Garrum and Tareelok restoration is was also made by Seamhainn ( Who did the most work anyway :xp: )
03-31-2008, 2:39 AM
...and both Deadeye Duncan as well as Shuma the Hutt are both in a *perfect* state now...

*Sarcastic tone on* they were restored by me, haha! *Sarcastic tone off*

This statement is in absolutely no way ment to belittle the works of Darth333 and SithRevan who restored those stuff in the first place, quite the opposite in fact!

Nevertheless it troubles me a bit that some refere to works which are more then a year old and state them as facts, while in the meantime much progress is done.

On the other side, maybe I just have a bad day...

P.S.: And I am sorry that I must correct sekan, as HE did the most work for the Garrum and Tar'eelok restoration, not me!!!

Take care
04-06-2008, 3:41 PM
Of course i know it wasnt made by team jawa -_- and hello Seamhainn, i can personally thank you for your great restorations! You rule! And hello Sekan :P
06-02-2008, 1:09 AM
I tried to get on Team Jawa's forums this evening, and they're down. This is really bad. Any hope that we have left is now gone, unless they're upgrading or renovating them.
06-02-2008, 3:49 AM
Well, it would seem that without management FileFront decided that it was somewhat of a waste of space and cleared it. That or FileFront is currently doing maintenance on the servers?
 Darth InSidious
06-02-2008, 8:22 AM
I tried to get on Team Jawa's forums this evening, and they're down. This is really bad. Any hope that we have left is now gone, unless they're upgrading or renovating them.
The assumption here is that forum activity equates to mod project activity. Usually, the inverse is true.
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