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[TSL] Red-Haired selectable

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 Aayla Offee
09-24-2006, 5:36 PM
This is my first mod- so, please tell me what you think of it...and if I should keep making them! :)

I uploaded it as 7z- but here the individual files needed as well. *it's only two (3 counting the readme)*

:::::Appearance Change::::: ('')

:::::Portrait Change:::: (

:::::Readme:::: (

Red-Haired replacement mod for KOTOR 2: TSL

This is a simple mod that changes the hair of the blonde-haired (with the Leia like braids from RotJ) from blonde, to a strawberry red.

When you are walking around...etc..your hair will be red. Sometimes the little portrait picture at the bottom of the screen may not be red. I did this mod in a hurry! ;-)

Also, it will only be red if you are mostly light sided. As I said before- I did this mod quickly and it is my first mod, I haven't changed the mid-dark and very-dark side portraits.

Oh yeah--haha, I also gives the eyes a cool red tint.....not really "evil", if just looks cool! ;)

This is a picture of the portrait:
09-25-2006, 8:11 PM
nice, keep the good work up man. Downloaded it right away

One thing though: if you name your files, don't use the spacebar. IE has problems loading these sides sometimes. (ever realized that ie automatically changes a space to %20, but then it can't find the file anymore...)
 Aayla Offee
09-25-2006, 10:13 PM
Ahh.....thanks for the tip!

*yay!! somebody likes my work!!* ;-)
10-14-2006, 1:04 AM
Nice mod. Have you thought about upgrading and expanding this mod? Perhaps using some of the subtle DS transitions to go from this color hair to more of an ash at full DS conversion. And then just some nice yellowish eyes, none of those weird funky veins or anything you often see.
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