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Bastila: The Jedi Royal Guard [W.I.P.]

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 The Source
07-23-2006, 7:56 PM
Bastila: The Jedi Royal Guard [W.I.P.]
For the past few weeks, I have been working on a mini-mod for KotOR I. As you have read in my personal [W.I.P.], this story revolves around Bastila's robes from 'The Dark Apprentice'. This mod is a very short-story, which you can obtain five new Bastila robes.

Also included in this mod is a new merchant for Dantooine. After replaying KotOR I after a year or so, I felt that Dantooine could use another merchant. So, I found an out of the way location, which will help the PC obtain a few extra items.

Also included in this mod is a featgain.2da file, which is an optional installation. For those who would like to play a slightly more powerful Jedi/Sith, I made a few tweaks that I thought were fun. However, it is an optional installation.

At the moment, I have no screenshots online. Within this up coming week, I will be preparing a small preview. However, I will not be revealing the robe design or the background information.

Instead of my progress reports getting lost in my personal [W.I.P.], I thought it would be easier to create a fresh start. For the remainder of the year, this will be my very last KotOR series mod.

Progress Update @ 1:00 am on July 25, 2006
Short Story Creation/Planing: 100% Complete
Dialouge Creation: 100% Complete
Item Descriptions: 100% Complete
Item Textures: 100% Complete
NPC Design: 100% Complete
Character Placement: 100% Complete
Editing: 100% Complete

Changes Due to Editing: 50% Complete
Scripting: 20% Complete

Last Minute Testing: 0% Complete

Release Date: Sunday, July 30th

Thank You,
07-24-2006, 9:06 AM
Sweet Mac! A Definate Download for me on July 30th!
07-24-2006, 10:20 AM
I'll second the definate download.
 The Source
07-24-2006, 1:10 PM
I have also restored a 'cut' creature.
07-24-2006, 1:47 PM
I have also restored a 'cut' creature.

Iriaz! YAY!
 The Source
07-24-2006, 2:33 PM
Iriaz! YAY!
Very good. :)
However, there is a twist to why they are in the location I have chosen. I added a good handful of them. They are tough to beat though. I wanted to keep it that way.

At the moment, I am 99.8% done with dialouge.
Overall I am: 95.5% done.

Remember, this is a simple mod, and the story-arch is short. However, I did put enough in to have fun with. There are some personal tweaks, which I wanted to see in game.
 The Source
08-04-2006, 10:22 PM
As she rises from the ashes to be reborn, she will wear the anger that is held hidden deep inside. After Revan saved her from the Darkside, her emotions became bottled up. Without any way to discharge her hatred, the anger inside crawled to the surface. Eventually, she will give in.

Bastila: The Jedi Royal Guard (vrs. 1.00.05)
Coming Tuesday, Aug. 8th

One will gain the robes of Vengence.
Her enemies will R.I.P.
08-04-2006, 10:48 PM
Just I question you have "Coming Tuesday July 8th", now today is Friday August 4 and this Tuesday will be the 8th, so mabey you ment "August" 8th? Because waiting a whole year, even for a mod sounding this cool, is a bit extreme. :lol:
08-05-2006, 8:59 AM
Just I question you have "Coming Tuesday July 8th", now today is Friday August 4 and this Tuesday will be the 8th, so mabey you ment "August" 8th? Because waiting a whole year, even for a mod sounding this cool, is a bit extreme. :lol:
It's in "mod limbo" over at LucasFiles.. not Mac's fault ;)
08-05-2006, 12:06 PM
It's in "mod limbo" over at LucasFiles.. not Mac's fault ;)

Gotcha' can't wait for the cool mod Mac.
 The Source
08-05-2006, 2:47 PM
Lol... Yeah. You see I release the mod now, and in a year it will be posted at

I released the first version of this mod on Monday, and six days later, Saturday afternoonish, nothing has been posted at

I just openned up an account with, so I will probally be sending stuff over there. I hope they don't have a 90 day waiting period. Grrr....

If this was an EAW mod, they would jump on it in a second.
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