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10-06-2000, 3:23 PM
Okay, i want to hear how you make an opt from scratch.
I'm using 3d studio max, also have Rhino 3d
from dxf to opt going to use Ace_DXF.
how to i get a perfect dxf file for Ace?
Are there any limits on Ace, like a special amount of faces or objects. Cause i always get an anoying message.

What should i think about when making the DXF?

Hope you can help me!


"Control unruly portions of the Galaxy through a fear of force, rahter than actual force itself."
10-10-2000, 2:02 AM
Hey, I have found that it is just easier to steel shapes and forms from other DFX files from XWA and twist bend stretch them to be what you want.

Also it seems to me that Ace prefers less faces.

"........Im just starting to get things to work for me.
DarkSaber or Rebel or Steel .............Wait a minute.....!!
go to Steel's site and go to either help or links???
Find Andy K's site there you find a very helpfull bunch of info....

Also download the ACE help files.


"Feel The Power Of The Dark Side!!!"
When last we met I was but the apprentice,.."Now I am the Disaster"

Click,Click,Click,......Damn Light Saber!.....AAAAAUUUUGGGHHH.........

[This message has been edited by Zedran (edited October 09, 2000).]
10-10-2000, 3:20 PM


"Control unruly portions of the Galaxy through a fear of force, rahter than actual force itself."
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