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07-08-2000, 11:46 AM
Is there any way to get the player craft to defect in XWA? I've been trying to make a mission where you start off on the Imperial team and then change back to the Rebel team once you've attacked a certain ship, but I can't get it working. Is it impossible or am I doing something wrong?
 General Taskor
07-08-2000, 1:08 PM
I have never tried that, but I was always wanted to make a mission like that. My mission that I was thinking about went like this. First you start off as a Imperial pilot on the last mission of XWA, You wish to defect and join the rebellion in the fight against DeathStar II. I thought that maybe if I could have the pilot (me) attack nearby imperials pilots to show the rebellion. I have no clue how you do that though.
07-08-2000, 1:12 PM
I was trying to make it so that you started off flying a captured T/D, and you fly it into an Imp shipyard, then blow up a shuttle carrying Imperial officers, and once the shuttle has been attacked, your IFF goes back to Rebel, but I just can't get it working

Another thing - is there anywhere that I can download custom cockpits? I'm making a mission where you fly an ATR and the game uses the shuttle cockpit.
 General Taskor
07-08-2000, 1:14 PM
I wouldn't know about the custom cockpits. You have to e-mail someone that runs this site, I'm very sure they would know.
07-08-2000, 1:46 PM
Ok I will do.
07-09-2000, 6:43 PM
Cool idea tell me if you get it to work ok? thanks bye
07-09-2000, 7:36 PM
I still haven't had any luck getting the defection working but I did make a mission where you fly on the Rebel team under an Imperial IFF, and you can still set things up so that the Imps all start attacking you after a certain event. It's not exactly what I was looking for but it does the job
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