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can i fly differnt ships in the missions?

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 Harry Carry
06-23-2000, 11:10 AM
what files would i have to rename or change to fly different ships in the missions?
06-23-2000, 1:59 PM
You would have to modify the Shiplist to say, if you want to fly the Outrider YT-2400, it would go from
!SPECIES_111!YT-2400,Shuttle/Light Transport,Nonflyable,Known,Skirmish,
!SPECIES_111!YT-2400,Shuttle/Light Transport,Flyable,Known,Skirmish,

I think that's all there is to it.
 Harry Carry
06-24-2000, 3:44 AM
what about flying a x wing instead of a a wing in the single player game? changing what ship you fly in the missions
 Leagle eagle
06-24-2000, 2:15 PM
Don't you hate it when they answer something entirely different?

Download AlliED. (or other similar editor.)
Open each mission and select the fg you fly in (there is a braceted 1 somewhere, as in i player. I think it is always top of the list.) from the flight groups list. (You can use a pop up window to make all areas available.
Alter the craft, armaments, or head to options and fiddle around there.
 Harry Carry
06-25-2000, 9:40 AM
i played through a level and gave myself crazy ships, and i blew up all the bad guys
i should off had like 60000 points, but it only counted 5000 points at the debriefing screen, and only kills for unmodified ships!

burnt hotdogs!
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