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Flying over Kashyyy(y)k

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 Fate's Decision
01-18-2006, 12:09 AM
This might have already been discovered but over the break I was playing on my brother's xbox version and I was screwing around in an Imperial Tank on the docks, and naturally by screwing around I came up with some pretty cool stuff.
Spawn as the Empire at their farthest CPs and get in an imperial tank. Move across the water to the nearest rebel CP and go up the ramp of the dock where they spawn from. As soon as you get on top of the dock run into the tree and climb as far as you can at normal speed. As soon as you begin to fall backwards boost (your meter must be completely full) and move onto the steep hill that the tree leans against. If you did it correctly, your tank will fly over the hill and land on the dock platform in the back of the map next to the generator/radiator. From there, do whatever you want (especially useful/cheating in CTF2)
01-18-2006, 1:11 AM
Nice. You can also get on top of ALL the platforms using the speeder bikes. They are nice places to snipe from. Don't ask me to tell you how to do it. I won't tell you. Its much more rewarding to figure it out for yourself.

Also, this nor the first post requires any wallhacking. I would not consider it cheating if I saw these done online. Driving/moving on textures (even invisible ones) is not considered cheating unless you are in a wall, or something is preventing fire from hitting you while it is not preventing you from shooting back.
01-18-2006, 6:06 AM
Interesting, I'm going to have to try to get onto these platforms myself.

Zerted, you should make a challenge involving getting to the top of a platform with a bike, and maybe sniping a certain amount of units?
 General Solo
01-18-2006, 11:09 AM
Nice, maybe this might work on my PS2. I will try it out sometime. Great hint.
 Fate's Decision
01-20-2006, 6:54 PM
Do you guys know of any other tricks that aren't wall hacks? (I'm really not sure if you're allowed to talk about wall hacks or not)
01-20-2006, 7:08 PM
Why wouldn't you be allowed to talk about wall hacks?
01-20-2006, 7:40 PM
...Zerted, you should make a challenge involving getting to the top of a platform with a bike, and maybe sniping a certain amount of units?Getting on top of the platforms by CP2 is sometimes a challenge. ...You have to get over the 'ring' and sometimes that kills you. Next you should (but don't have too) jump off the speeder in midair. If you jump when you are too high, you die. If you miss the platform, you die. It is very easy to die when attempting to get on top of these platforms.
01-21-2006, 8:04 AM
I finally got onto some of the platforms using a STAP, great spot to snipe, I got the award rifle just as I ran out of ammo for my regular rifle. Now Ive just gotta see if I can get to the other platforms...
01-21-2006, 3:06 PM
well, the reverse jump thingy used to work in old BF1 too, remember the good old days of tanking in the Yavin Arena.
01-21-2006, 4:14 PM
reverse jump thingy?
 Fate's Decision
01-22-2006, 9:53 PM
Whatever happened to the bomb jump? I can't believe they took that off of non-friendly fire games. Oh, the places you could go...
01-22-2006, 10:52 PM
Yea, I loved gernade jumping... I hope the patch puts the effects of explosions back in. There are too many people going around laying explosives right next to an enemy and not be affected by it. Hitting someone point-blank range with a rocket should knock you back too. You see a frendly unit being swarmed by enemies, you can just throw a gernade or mine in there. Most of the enemies are blow away and the friendly unit is free from the blast affect and can go kill the rest of the units knocked down (but not killed) by the explosion.
 Fate's Decision
01-23-2006, 5:17 PM
Hiyaa! I believe it was removed because you could blast your allies off cliffs but if it happens on purpose you can always boot the person eh?
01-24-2006, 3:49 PM
Well, now its a good way to gank people...

Plant mines on a friendly vehicle and let friends ram by the enemies...

The good old "catch a 'nade" trick with a friend, then friend can go shooting up the enemy nade survivors.

Nades/mortars + droidekawall/turret trick.
01-24-2006, 5:52 PM
Hiyaa! I believe it was removed because you could blast your allies off cliffs but if it happens on purpose you can always boot the person eh?

Thats what I would say. I think it's kind of stupid for some element to be removed from the game just to dissuade TKer's. They shouldn't be able to dictate how the game is made in my opinion. If someone is being lame and doing somthing you believe is wrong, simply boot the twidiot!

Kind of like removing prone just to keep people from glitching, why limit game options just to stop these people? First off they should try fixing these areas, and second it should be possible to boot people who do so.
 Fate's Decision
01-24-2006, 9:51 PM
Well, now its a good way to gank people...

Plant mines on a friendly vehicle and let friends ram by the enemies...

The good old "catch a 'nade" trick with a friend, then friend can go shooting up the enemy nade survivors.

Nades/mortars + droidekawall/turret trick.

Yeah, that's a great way to get snowspeeders off atats.

*Forms mob of protesters against ban of proning and ally impacts*
02-03-2006, 12:50 AM
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