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05-02-2000, 10:16 PM
Can anyone please help me create some OPT files for X-Wing Alliance?

"- Always to there are..
a Master and a aprentice."

05-03-2000, 6:04 PM
For example, the creation of Opts from DXF file formats is easy (See, however, I think you are looking for a mesh creator (a person who models the ship, and creates the DXF file). You are likely to find a person who creates these files at, or maybe even here at this message board.
Right now, I am not that skilled in making these files, but I might be able to help you some, as I am trying to learn how to make opts myself using premade DXF models

05-04-2000, 4:59 AM
Yeah, thanks, that would be great.
You got icq or something?
My UIN nr is 67339841

"- Always two there are..
a Master and a aprentice."

05-07-2000, 4:11 PM

I am currently creating OTPs and DXFs using 3DStudio Max r3.1
Though I must say that I am not greatly experienced in this field of editing, only started a week ago but I've already built my own ship.

Hey guys, How can I post a screenshot here to show off my new ship?

"Peace through superior firepower"
05-07-2000, 5:12 PM
To post an image, place the file on a web server, and use the BB's built-in [img] tag pair.

Give a man a fish and he will eat for a day... Teach a man to fish and he will sit in a boat and drink beer all day.
05-07-2000, 9:06 PM
Originally posted by TK421:

I am currently creating OTPs and DXFs using 3DStudio Max r3.1
Though I must say that I am not greatly experienced in this field of editing, only started a week ago but I've already built my own ship.

Hey guys, How can I post a screenshot here to show off my new ship?


Okay cool. You in a group or something? Want to join OPT Alliance?
Contact me on mail:
or at icq:


"- Always two there are..
a Master and a aprentice."

 Ruhan Raeyaz
05-10-2000, 2:27 PM
Okay question about 3d studio max.

I am using v2.5, i also use rhino3d , in fact I HATE modeling in max.

Can the textures you use in 3d studio max show up in the game without using the texture extracter or using the methods tried outside of 3dmax? This refers mainly to difuse bitmaps.
05-10-2000, 2:58 PM
Originally posted by Ruhan Raeyaz:
I am using v2.5, i also use rhino3d , in fact I HATE modeling in max.

So do I, that's why I just bought a copy of AutoCad 1.4 from my local paper.

Uh, if that question was directed at me, well I don't texture my Models in 3DSmax, I just make the wireframe and thats it, then export that to DXF fiel format to use in ACE_DXF. I edit existing or create my own textures in Paintshop Pro 5 and use those. Besides I don't think the DXF file you use to build a new ship contains any texture info, it's just all mesh, face and vertex data I think.

All textures that appear in the game are allocated to the models during creation of the OPT file as far as I know. When you import a DXF to create an OPT, all the faces in all meshes are set to the ACE_DXF default texture. That's why texturing is a pain in the butt (for me anyway), you have to go and make sure every face and texture is rotated and orientated just right.

"Peace through superior firepower"
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