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How do I compare dlg files?

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01-01-2006, 7:42 PM
I've been checking out a few new mods and ran accross a problem. When 2 mods have the same dlg file how can I compare the differences between them or combine them?

The conversation editor doesn't seem to load any of my dlg files, and I don't see an option to compare files in dlgeditor_224.
01-01-2006, 7:54 PM
If the dlg files are different in content, but same in filename, you can't combine them. You'd have to rename one of them and then modify the script that triggers it to look for the new name.
01-01-2006, 8:21 PM
Yikes, so getting Achilles' Unofficial Dialog Patch ( to work with XL's NPC Jedi Training Robes ( is going to be really hard?

There can't be that many lines in Atton.dlg that are different. I thought I could simply copy the lines that were unique from one to the other and save.
01-01-2006, 8:23 PM
I'm not an expert, so I can't really say for sure. I'm just reiterating what I've picked up from my extended time here.
01-01-2006, 11:11 PM
You can use TK102's GFF File Comparison utility (available from StarWarsKnights...the banner at the top). It will tell you exactly what needs to be changed.
01-02-2006, 12:05 AM
Thanks Achilles that was perfect :) I had no idea that would work on dlg's but it worked like a charm.

On another note I have a different problem maybe you can help me with. I noticed a thread of yours a while back which had a fix for a problem with a couple NPC's getting their unarmed feats reset.

Stoffe helped you out and you got it to work. But I'm still having trouble compiling it. It gives me a total execution time and no errors.

I used KOTOR tool to extract all the necessary files and got the following files in my directory:

compile.bat <- nwnnsscomp.exe -c -g 2 k_oei_hench_inc.nss

I had copied and pasted the code in the 4 places just like stoffe said. I'm not certain what's wrong even after looking back through all the compiling tutorials I could find.

As for where I pasted the lines, the big function I put right after the void Do711UserDef(object oPartyMember,int pUserEvent); function.

The next piece of code for handmaiden was pasted right after int In711KOR = (sModuleName == "711KOR");.

The repeated code for baodur was pasted right after int In711KOR = (sModuleName == "711KOR");

The last code for baodur was pasted right after int In711KOR = (sModuleName == "711KOR");

I'm pretty sure that all looks right. If you don't know where the problem might lie is there any way you can make the ncs available for me to download?
01-02-2006, 11:15 AM
compile.bat <- nwnnsscomp.exe -c -g 2 k_oei_hench_inc.nss

k_oei_hench_inc.nss is an include file, which is used by and compiled into other scripts. An include file cannot be compiled directly since it contains no main() or StartingConditional() function, which is needed as a starting point for a script.

For some reason nwnnsscomp.exe won't complain if you try to compile a script without a start function, but no NCS file will be generated.

Thus, you'll need to recompile the scripts that use the include file, not the include file itself. In this case the scripts you need to recompile are k_oei_spawn.nss and k_oei_userdef.nss.
01-02-2006, 12:50 PM
Thank you :) That worked fantastically and you even explained it in such a way that I can understand the concept of what needed to be done. Doing this manually was helpful and the knowledge I gained will surely aid me on other projects too.
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